It may be in your best interest to buy a new machine, whether it be a new Hp or something else.. and fix your current HP. we have that latex and plan to keep our Roland and replace a few things and change the black head in it.. No harm in having 2 machines, we would have been royally screwed many times without two (as you know!). I've heard people whining about these new latex machines and how long they take to warm up, etc.. i havent seen these issues - that 365 is warmed up and printing within 2 minutes.. and i can print a 4'x8' panel in under 15 minutes including the warm up and dry time. I dont know how fast that older HP is of yours, but my roland would take 40 minutes to print a 4x8 in a reasonable quality resolution - from what a few friends have said, their newer rolands arent that much faster.. keep in mind that roland is a cut/print single cmyk machine. either way - depending on how much you print, it shouldnt take that long to pay for one of the machines you are looking at... but i would try the trailing cable.. whats the worst that happens?? you end up changing a cable and a board.. but theoretically it should work with one or the other.. or both.. All i know is outsourcing prints for us would lose alot of clients.. so sometimes - you just have to "do what you gotta do"!