I am pleading for help. I have a Roland SP300V. Bought the machine new about 5 years ago, and had ink drop out issues with it almost immediately. But I had just dealt with it and started using it mainly as a cutter. Well lately I decided I wanted to get it printing again. I had a local tech come in. He did a general cleaning. Replaced the captops, and one damper. He was able to pull ink with a syringe, but still no ink output. I have been working really hard soaking the heads in the capping station, as well as doing the coffee filter trick. After about a week I was able to get C, M,and K to come back. Tried to do more soaks to get the yellow back to no avail. So I did some reading on here, and decided to try swapping the ribbon cables for the yellow and magenta. Still no good, and now I have actually lost the magenta channel, so I have taken a step back. I did shut down the soft power, then the main power, and hit the power button several times before I did anything. I am a newbie with this machine, but I do work on computers for a living. Can anyone help??