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Question Printing in Onyx and getting wrong colors


Owner, Designer & Installer
I've had this happen at various times using ONYX Thrive; I'll print a file that I already made samples for without a contour line and when I apply one, it will completely change the output color. Attached is a sample of what I mean. The color swatches above show the correct color in the two squares on the right. Below those is what printed after I placed a contour cut on the final artwork. The artwork was done in FlexiSign, but even with checking the art in Adobe Illustrator, the RIP still changed the color. It's printed on a HP 560 Latex.
Anyone come across this with ONYX?


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White Haus

Not a Newbie
I've had this happen at various times using ONYX Thrive; I'll print a file that I already made samples for without a contour line and when I apply one, it will completely change the output color. Attached is a sample of what I mean. The color swatches above show the correct color in the two squares on the right. Below those is what printed after I placed a contour cut on the final artwork. The artwork was done in FlexiSign, but even with checking the art in Adobe Illustrator, the RIP still changed the color. It's printed on a HP 560 Latex.
Anyone come across this with ONYX?

Yikes, that's a huge color shift. If you reprint the original file, does it print the same as your original samples?

If so, I would suspect that something changed during the export process, or another profile/quickset was used. Different color replacement in Job Editor perhaps?


Owner, Designer & Installer
Yikes, that's a huge color shift. If you reprint the original file, does it print the same as your original samples?

If so, I would suspect that something changed during the export process, or another profile/quickset was used. Different color replacement in Job Editor perhaps?

Color change only happens when I add a CutContour line on the graphic. This isn't the only time it's happened but I hate to send something to the printer, walk away, only to find the color shifted. Doesn't happen when I print at home on my Mutoh printers with Flexi's Production Manager.


New Member
John what file format are you saving the file out of Flexi with? Can you send me the file with and without the contour cut applied? I want to test it here in the office.



New Member
Are you printing same file formats in both rips? What format? The issue may be the way illustrator is saving. Or, more than likely profile mismatch. Media used? Profile used? You can technically use any profile on any media…doesn’t mean you should.

GC Decor

Super Printer
You most likely are using a different preset for print & cut ?? Check in there - There are multiple printing options & profiles quick sets that can adjust for this.


New Member
Don't know if this is relevant to your question but we came across an issue within Flexi 22 with saving files to pdf format. I generally use the Avery 700 Colours within flexi, but when saved as a pdf, colours would display very different, for example grey would become vibrant red etc. I emailed support and the response was "are you using LAB colours?" (That was all I got, no further explanation?) when checking the Avery swatches in the colour mixer palette, sure enough LAB formula - changed to RGB, no issue. Having said this, I am talking about viewing the file, not printing it. But could your issue be related in the sense that you created artwork in flexi but outputted from different program??


Owner, Designer & Installer
You most likely are using a different preset for print & cut ?? Check in there - There are multiple printing options & profiles quick sets that can adjust for this.
Unfortunately, the 7am-330p uses Flexi 19 for HP with only output to the HP cutter, output for the printer is Onyx Thrive only. It is weird as the problem is intermittent, and I believe with spot colors only. the black is CMYK black (the alternative to RGB Black: 0,0,0) and made into a spot the reduce to 70%. Even when bringing in the files into Onyx, you can see the difference in darkness and hue.


New Member
I have been playing with the files. In Flexi the 3 files show the same color name and same spot percentage and when you change them to RGB they all change to 94,94,94. When I opened the 3 original pdf files you sent to me in Acrobat Pro on the same monitor and put them side by side you can see they are different colors, see attached picture, file with the 10 swatches is the right most one in the image. I even opened the 3 original pdf files into production manager and made sure they all had the same color management settings and Production Manager was going to print the file with the 10 swatches a different color than the two other files. I think this issue has something to do with how Flexi is exporting the files, not the rip itself. I sent the 3 files as pdf exported from Flexi 22 with all the colors set to RGB and Production Manager was going to print them all as the same color. You might have to find a RGB or CMYK value that works for this color and send it that way. I am going to recreate the color from scratch in Flexi 22 and export it and see what that does.


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Owner, Designer & Installer
I have been playing with the files. In Flexi the 3 files show the same color name and same spot percentage and when you change them to RGB they all change to 94,94,94. When I opened the 3 original pdf files you sent to me in Acrobat Pro on the same monitor and put them side by side you can see they are different colors, see attached picture, file with the 10 swatches is the right most one in the image. I even opened the 3 original pdf files into production manager and made sure they all had the same color management settings and Production Manager was going to print the file with the 10 swatches a different color than the two other files. I think this issue has something to do with how Flexi is exporting the files, not the rip itself. I sent the 3 files as pdf exported from Flexi 22 with all the colors set to RGB and Production Manager was going to print them all as the same color. You might have to find a RGB or CMYK value that works for this color and send it that way. I am going to recreate the color from scratch in Flexi 22 and export it and see what that does.

Still having the same problem. Once I tell ONYX that I am contour cutting, the colors change. Attached are the files I used; one with and one without a contour cut line. The same color(s) but the two at the top I selected ContourCut under the QuickSet. and the bottom two are as <Default>. It didn't matter whether a contour cut line was there or not, the color changed. As I'm more a Flexi guru than Onyx, I'm not sure if something in the QuickSet is changing the output and, of course, where to begin looking.


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Owner, Designer & Installer
Are you printing same file formats in both rips? What format? The issue may be the way illustrator is saving. Or, more than likely profile mismatch. Media used? Profile used? You can technically use any profile on any media…doesn’t mean you should.

The file that I am exporting from Flexi is a PDF. I've even checked the file(s) in Adobe Illustrator with no difference in exporting. Again, it's only when I tell Onyx it's a straight ContourCut file, is when the color change occurs.


Problem Solver
What you are doing is selecting a different quickset that has some other color management settings.

Don't change the quickset, just select your cutter in the queye. Should be no change to the color.

Then delete your fupped quickset and copy the default one that works, set cutter to it again.
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Owner, Designer & Installer
What you are doing is selecting a different quickset that has some other color management settings.

Don't change the quickset, just select your cutter in the queye. Should be no change to the color.

Then delete your fupped quickset and copy the default one that works, set cutter to it again.

Yeah, that was it. I'm not an ONYX guru, just an end-user. I can set up files for this w/o a problem, but whomever set up that profile should be shot (probably the original employee that started the department). Been cleaning up a lot of his f-ups the past 2 years.

Thanks for the insight and it would appear I need to sit down more and learn this software more intimately. Perhaps play with it at home on my Mutohs. I already know it kicks flexi a$$ in getting better yellows and reds from a VJ-1638X (trial from 3 years ago).