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Printing Media larger than roll length in Onyx RIP


New Member
I am still new to printing business and I am wondering if anyone can guide me on how to print files that are larger than roll length. I have Epson S40600 and I used GamaPrint Pro to tile my 24x24ft floor wrap design. After tiling and gaps, when it comes to Onyx RIP Queue (v12), the length of print comes out to be 147ft which is smaller than my 120ft roll. So what should I be doing in this case to split this print over 2 rolls? Tried looking at job properties and media size but can't figure out. If I define the size of media length that is smaller, the software keeps saying waiting to print and won't proceed. Any help would be appreciated.
On a similar note, I had one long print that stopped in-between to to a glitch and I couldn't figure out how to resume/start the print from same position (it was also tiled). So I had to manually crop the design. Just wondering if there is a better way to deal with such situations.
Thanks for help.


New Member
Update. For the first part of my question, I figure out if I set the media length in GamaPrintPro (notRIP Queue), it divides the whole job into 2 jobs so I can print one part, change roll and then print second one.
Still wondering, what do you guys do if print stops in between for a long print, let's say head strike or accidentally tripping over and disconnecting printer cable like I did. :)


Working among the Corporate Lizard People
If you work on your media profiles in Onyx there is a length compensation part to it, I have not had the time to recal all of my medias but they regularly come up shot or too long but, I am able to make it work if it isn't a wall mural. I have heard of people talking about the first panel being shorter before on the take up but experienced the opposite running Arlon DPF 8200 and Sihl Quick stick on a wall mural where the first panel was .25" or so longer and the panels printed when on take up were all even. I am dealing with HP Latex, so I probably have it worse than what you are experiencing.


Active Member
I am still new to printing business and I am wondering if anyone can guide me on how to print files that are larger than roll length. I have Epson S40600 and I used GamaPrint Pro to tile my 24x24ft floor wrap design. After tiling and gaps, when it comes to Onyx RIP Queue (v12), the length of print comes out to be 147ft which is smaller than my 120ft roll. So what should I be doing in this case to split this print over 2 rolls? Tried looking at job properties and media size but can't figure out. If I define the size of media length that is smaller, the software keeps saying waiting to print and won't proceed. Any help would be appreciated.
On a similar note, I had one long print that stopped in-between to to a glitch and I couldn't figure out how to resume/start the print from same position (it was also tiled). So I had to manually crop the design. Just wondering if there is a better way to deal with such situations.
Thanks for help.
Update. For the first part of my question, I figure out if I set the media length in GamaPrintPro (notRIP Queue), it divides the whole job into 2 jobs so I can print one part, change roll and then print second one.
Still wondering, what do you guys do if print stops in between for a long print, let's say head strike or accidentally tripping over and disconnecting printer cable like I did. :)
In onyx, when tiling tell it to tile to individual files... Then for a 24 ft print it'll give you a bunch of individual 24 ft panels, in which case you can send them 1 by 1... Or all at once.

Personally I'd set it to auto print, then it'll print 1 tile at a time... And if you have a power outage or a head strike, you'll know which panel is messed up.