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Printing United 2021 Canceled?


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I'm not as concerned for tradeshows for our industry... I'm concerned for the trade shows for our clients. We've had a great increase in new business over the past year or so... but none of the trade show stuff we used to do. Whether in-house production, or out sourced items. It's starting to come back... at a crawl. Then they order stuff, and the show, or event get's canceled. We are lately feeling cursed regarding local events... printing shuttle signs, for the local transit company for huge events, that have gotten canceled right after we have delivered the product. Just made some for the Interstate fair... still waiting for that to get canceled. hopefully not, but covid is exploding here. thus the everyday cancelling of large events.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
We have had a few vendors set up summits where they fly out a hand picked group of owners and decision makers. They wine and dine, then show of their equipment in a very controlled setting over a day or two.

Those are also alot of fun. I think fuji has been leading the pack on events like this at their Chicago location.

I'm curious if those are any better for business than the traditional show.
I used to sell construction equipment. All of the major manufacturers have a corporate owned resort where they take their customers to wine and dine them. Some dealers also have the same. Boats, resorts, cabins etc. You go there all expenses paid, they have competitors machines to run head to head and you feel like a rock star. It works, it sales 101. These things are more geared towards the peacocks, that's how you sell to them. Someone like wildwest, a fishing trip won't sell him a thing but a nice spec sheet will. The big spenders want to be seen and want to feel important. If you want that group, you go to trade shows and take them to the strip club after.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
If you want that group, you go to trade shows and take them to the strip club after.
This guy knows schmoosing and strip clubs... listen up folks! I know, that every time I'm taken to a strip club, I'm all on board :rolleyes:
ok, no one has ever offered that, to me. for good reason. Notarealguy... not every buyer is a horny man. :notworthy:


Arial - it's almost helvetica
This guy knows schmoosing and strip clubs... listen up folks! I know, that every time I'm taken to a strip club, I'm all on board :rolleyes:
ok, no one has ever offered that, to me. for good reason. Notarealguy... not every buyer is a horny man. :notworthy:
We leave the dishwashers at home. That's why we are all upset the trade shows are being canceled.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
just because I'm good at everything, from dishes, to laundry to sign production... no one leaves me at home. unless I want to stay home. ... I just need someone to cook dinner


Trade Only Screen & Digital Sign Printing
Haha ya'll funny.

We have hosted a couple of open houses with an open bar and BBQ (James loves smoking meat).

Those have been fun, but we only have about 10-20 local customers come. It mostly ends up being friends and family of ours and employees.

Its fun, and we'll do one again next year most likely, but it certainly doesn't generate any new business.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
Haha ya'll funny.

We have hosted a couple of open houses with an open bar and BBQ (James loves smoking meat).

Those have been fun, but we only have about 10-20 local customers come. It mostly ends up being friends and family of ours and employees.

Its fun, and we'll do one again next year most likely, but it certainly doesn't generate any new business.
Loyal customers generate new business, it's just harder to quantify. Customer retention is a good place to put your money.


Merchant Member
I agree to some of this but for a Botique Manufacture like us, it’s a great way to show how our printers differ from the rest of the 4 door sedans. We don’t advertise much (except here) but find the regional trade shows very profitable, not just because we sell every printer at every show we do, but we get to meet a lot of cool people from all walks of business. We have formed a lot of great relationships, friendships (even with competitors) and are able to enjoy a day away from the grind.


Trade Only Screen & Digital Sign Printing
For StratoJet to think the shows are worth it means alot. I'm sure they spend a ridiculous amount of money to set up and be at the shows. If they make it back, then there's still life in these yet.


New Member
I really enjoy the trade shows as I like to see the products/machines in person. Touch, feel and see it in action….it’s much different than seeing pictures and videos on line.

It is also fun to catch up with old friends and vendors. But I feel like that also causes issues. I go mainly to look at equipment and when you can’t talk to somebody or ask questions because they are too busy schmoozing it’s disappointing. I refuse to work with EFI because of this exact situation. I got big timed by their whole staff at the show and that really put a bad taste in my mouth. They are like the good ‘ole boy frat of the printing industry. I was happy to spend my money with another company that was appreciative of my business.


Active Member
I got big timed by their whole staff at the show and that really put a bad taste in my mouth. ... I was happy to spend my money with another company that was appreciative of my business.
Oh yea, I remembered at the last few yrs, there was this one vendor that I would almost always through a few grand(well more then just a few) at for product at the show, but the person that they had handling the shows the last few yrs, I refused to spend any more while that person as at the booth and I gave them a couple of yrs and that was it.