Yes you need to get paid. Go above her, send a bill, offer to reprint and give a price, but GET PAID.
Do you have any witnesses to her approving the final layout?
"Call a meeting with her and her boss, sit down with them and discuss it and ask what their expectations are. Explain when you left, you were told it was great and to send the check, so you're a bit confused on how it went from "great" to "unacceptable" in a matter of a day or two.
I'm formulating that question for the owner right now. He has been out of the loop for most of the process and while I thought he and I had worked everything out, she obviously has some sway over his decision making.
What kills me is that the wall surface isn't as smooth as a person of such perfecting standards would demand and they had this 30" circular, 1/2" thick clear acrylic logo cut? sandblasted? lasered? whatever by someone else and the thing is riddled with imperfections and blemishes. How the standard for us is one thing, but the other vendors were allowed to do less than perfect work is a riddle to me.
"Get them to explain what they expect, if you can do it, fix it and move on, if you can't, tell them you're not willing to do that, remove the graphic and move on."
I'm really hesitant to keep throwing good material and labor time after bad because I not only sense but have confirmation from other local colleagues that this is her standard operating procedure and she just grinds people to a pulp until they throw up their hands and cry "uncle"
"I promise you if you walk away and leave it up, it'll suddenly be "acceptable" again and they will have gotten it for free. I'd either fix it or remove it.
I'm not sure what your client base looks like or the size of the company you have, but in our case, most larger size companies we deal with have accounting and accounts payable departments and getting a check usually requires sending an invoice to those departments.
1. how good of a customer are they? if they are a regular customer and they usually spend a lot over the course of the year, redoo, and eat the cost...
They are not a good customer at all. The only other time they ordered something from the previous owner of our company has stated that they beat him to death on the pricing for some decals and that's the only time they ever ordered from him in 7 years time. When contacted about doing this job, i had juts taken over the company and really didn't ask many questions about each individual customer. I didn't find out about the demeanor and personality of this customer until after I had been awarded the project.
"if not i would redoo for half price.
They are convinced that they don't have to pay anything extra. PERIOD.... regardless of the circumstances or how many reprints it takes.
"2. now i would also not have accepted the job in the first place. here is why, you stated she was very particular about her colors and demanded several proofs regarding that."
I did not become aware of her extremely heightened level of scrutiny until well into the project.
i will not color match. i wont do it, its way too much of a pain in the arse. its time consuming, and i have never ever been successful with it. there are so many variables with digital printers that cant be controlled i dont think its possible to to do exact color matching. no i know that there are some software out there and rip programs that can get you to the correct colors, but every human eye sees color differently, so how can you color match when 1 person sees something totally different than what another person sees.
Did you know about the concave section of the wall before you showed up to install? If so you should have informed her about the issues and told her that the map will have to be shrunk or else it will appear distorted. You are the professional here.
however if you didn't know, or she told you the wall was flat, it's on her.
Call a meeting with her and her boss, sit down with them and discuss it and ask what their expectations are. Explain when you left, you were told it was great and to send the check, so you're a bit confused on how it went from "great" to "unacceptable" in a matter of a day or two.
Get them to explain what they expect, if you can do it, fix it and move on, if you can't, tell them you're not willing to do that, remove the graphic and move on.
I promise you if you walk away and leave it up, it'll suddenly be "acceptable" again and they will have gotten it for free. I'd either fix it or remove it.