Pixels Are Bad Mmmkay?
New Member
I ordered a 54" roll of 3951RA a couple weeks ago. I printed off a 4 x 8 print and noticed the edges were really wavy. The material was basically warped down both edges. I then tried to laminate it a few days later (today) and the material just bunched up under the 290 laminate. So I printed another one, lowering my heat settings and reducing it from 12 passes to 8 passes and I got the same result plus head strikes along the edge of the media. I've never had an issue printing in this media before with my normal heat settings, etc. but it never hurts to give it a second go. So after ruling out human error, I rolled eight feet of the unprinted media out onto the RollsRoller table and low and behold, the media is warped before it is even printed.
Has anyone else had a problem with a recent roll of 3951RA? I don't remember if it's the ProSlide or regular RA of the top of my head but I'll look tomorrow (at home now). I called the vendor and my Orafol rep this afternoon but haven't heard back from either of them yet.
Has anyone else had a problem with a recent roll of 3951RA? I don't remember if it's the ProSlide or regular RA of the top of my head but I'll look tomorrow (at home now). I called the vendor and my Orafol rep this afternoon but haven't heard back from either of them yet.