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Project Managing Software?


New Member
What the rest of you guys use, we have anywhere from 10 to 50 new jobs a month and we normally use Excel but I've seen software packages like:
sign-tracker and wondered what everyone else used?

In the days I had a guy that did wonders with Fox-pro and he could create anything and he was pretty cheap.

But without spending a ton of money is there anything out there just for signage: Job management, fabrication dept, vinyl dept, inventory etc.?



New Member
Funny you should mention this. I just put together a Project Tracker that we've been using for about a month now. It is really just that, in that it isn't for the accounting or anything...just for tracking projects and clients. It is a MS Access database...do you have Access?


New Member
What we use currently is excell... and it's too long.

Access would be great, input all info on one sheet.
Customer Info/ Project Name & W.O. info/ Tenative schedule date or install date, Maybe a schedule date for manufacturing then tenative date for install.

Notes for project manager, Permit info, Special requirements for installs.

Does your have all this maybe more.....? I have a ton of ideas if you like to program.

We run anywhere from 20 jobs a week to about 150 jobs including service work.



New Member
What we use currently is excell... and it's too long.

Access would be great, input all info on one sheet.
Customer Info/ Project Name & W.O. info/ Tenative schedule date or install date, Maybe a schedule date for manufacturing then tenative date for install.

Notes for project manager, Permit info, Special requirements for installs.

Does your have all this maybe more.....? I have a ton of ideas if you like to program.

We run anywhere from 20 jobs a week to about 150 jobs including service work.


We use Access and SQL for our database and our program does all you have noted.



New Member
Here are some screenshots to give you a feel for what it currently does.


  • PT_01.jpg
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  • PT_08.jpg
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New Member
We've been using it here for a month or better now, but I'd be willing to let others try it out too. It's not 100% ready for 'public consumption' but I s'pose a beta tester would understand that, right?


New Member
If you have a computer with WinXPSP2 and 512MB memory you can try this too.

Click on this link: and it will take you to the download screen.

This is a 150MB zip file and will take time to download. When you extract the files from this zip folder it will need a password. The password you need is sophie08

There is a pdf inside the zip file called “Read Me First”. This will explain the installation procedure and general use of Advantage.

We are sure once you have a chance to use it you will realize the Advantage of using Activity Software in your business!


New Member
Just wanted to share that the newly released Version 2.0 of GraphixCALC Pro sign pricing software now has a built-in Job Tracking feature. FREE 15-day, fully functional demo @ www.graphixcalc.com. If you haven't already, sign up for a free account to access the Downloads page.


New Member
i have used access for years .. and the cool thing is you can programm it with obdc drivers to link to other software .. i wrote mine to link to quick books, excel, word, corel and map point .. to manage my projects i use visio .. with what you can get for tutorials access is pretty easy .. or take a evening class on basic DB programming .. what ever you do you will have to learn the software .. take the time to learn to do your own .. you will be glad you did in the long run