It's a long road back from that recovery. My dad's alive and kickin after 14 years from having his quadruple bypass. He gave up smoking 3 packs a day cold turkey right afterwards and started exercising daily once he got the ok from his doctor (around five miles a day, probably could only do about one before his heart attack sadly enough! he had to start slow and steady, but within a year's time he was runnin them miles like nothing).
The main thing is making sure he takes things in moderation. Unsure what possible complications your husband may have, but my father's memory sometimes gets a bit fuzzy and he gets somewhat absent minded, seems to vary day by day, some days he's on top of his game, some days he can't remember who sings. Believe it was attributed to him being on the iron lung for the operation.
Some folks just need a wakeup call, unsure of your husband's previous health conditions, if he wasn't the most healthiest, hopefully he changes for the better. If he was in good health, the doctors sound good enough to get him on the right track medwise for a long healthy life! Unfortunately my dad had to bury two of his younger sisters a few years back. One had heart issues and emphysema but smoked to her death, the youngest one was really healthy, but just had a coronary one day while out walking. A sad state of affairs, but at least one of them was given the chance to improve their quality of life and decided not to.
Anyways, best wishes on the road to recovery and hopefully to a better new life