yes, absolutelly he should not get between them.
this is just a chat between us...
anyway, even if he was the cheapes one, you cant say job like that is ok and normal.
usually im the cheapest one, but i do it almost perfect. i can save money on material, my hours, but not on quality. such mistakes are not allowed. maybe some smaller mistakes, that customer wont even notice...
The photos you posted are far from being the worst I've seen. No its not correct or perfect, it looks like an inexperienced installer and a job that was quoted too low where they didn't have enough profit in it to reprint the panels that needed to be, not saying its correct but it happens.
If this happened in my shop the client would get 2 options
1- I reprint and redo to sections with wrinkles, bubbles will be popped and will disappear.
2- I offer them a discount, some clients are perfectly happy with a few hundred bucks knocked off, they feel like they walked away the winner.
At the end of the day its a work truck, not a show car, if the wrap looks good from 8 feet away its mostly fine.