With machine OFF
Hold down the CLEANING, MENU, & SHIFT Buttons all at the same time, while holding these buttons turn the machine ON
You will hear a series of beeps from the machine, when you hear these beeps let off the buttons, and the control panel will say DIAG:EXAM
Press the MEDIA Button Once
The print head will move around a little bit and then go back to rest position
The control panel will say ADJ:HOME
Hit the MEDIA Button once, and the printhead will move around again and give you a negative number such as -63.xxx or -64.xxx for the 46", 48", and 62" and for the 38" Junior you will get a -72.xxx or -75.xxx number.
Hit MEDIA button once more and then shut the machine OFF and then turn the machine back on normally and follow the steps below for the powerful cleaning process.