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Reviving a FREE FJ-500 pigment printer...HELP


New Member
Long and short...turns out a local company where I know the owner has a Roland FJ-500 sitting in their warehouse rotting away. I talked to them about buying it to convert to solvent, but Dave at solventprinterconversions tells me the heads won't handle the solvent inks, so I ditched that plan. When I told the owner that, he offered to GIVE me the printer AND pay for the parts it takes to get it going again, in exchange for printing what stuff they might need (which has been a total of three indoor banners in the last two years). So, even though I know pigment supplies are more expensive, I can't really refuse.

My question is this...when it comes to tubing and wipers and such, can I use 'solvent-safe' stuff? There seems to be little of those parts out that are specifically pigment pieces, but tons of solvent-safe parts (which I'd expect since solvent is becoming more prevalent). I haven't gotten into the printer yet to see what it actually needs...maybe it was correctly flushed before it was put in storage and it'll just fire right up, but I doubt I get that lucky. I'm just trying to plan for a contingency of basically having to replace all the parts in it. And on this specific printer...it has slots for double CMYK, but can it be run with CMYKLcLm or CMYKLcLmOG? The manual I downloaded shows removing and flipping over the plates that show where each cartridge goes, so I would think that means you could change the ink settings on the control panel through the firmware?

I still intend to pick up a solvent printer to do outdoor stuff and wraps and such, but this thing's FREE, so I figure I shouldn't refuse.

Thanks in advance.


New Member
the solvent parts will be fine for the water based. and you are a lucky bastard. that is a great water based machine. i am jealous.


New Member
Not sure how relevant this would be... but if they have someone who's going to be printing "things" for them now, do you think their workload (more than three indoor banners) would increase?


New Member
make sure they ut it in writing that they are giving you the machine. include the names of both parties, the date, the serial numbers and the conditions.

Robert M

New Member
Fj 500

I can get you all the parts for that printer. While they are not on my site, I can source them. My guess would be one new head, dampers, capping station. I carry those roland inks also.


New Member
I've already been doing their stuff, I've just outsourced everything I couldn't do in house. Even if they DO need more than the three banners, the printer itself is free, and their paying for all the inks and parts to get it going again, so I have absolute ZERO money investment in it. I could wrap their entire building in banners and still not use all the inks they're going to buy, so even if they do need a little more stuff, I'm still ahead I think.