New Member
Hello, I've done some searching and found no other mention of this.... I've been using Roland Color Rip 2.2 and ever since I've upgrade to the Adobe CS5 Creative Suite all jpgs that I drop into color rip come out the wrong size. example: in photoshop cs5 the jpg is 53" x 18.053" @ 150ppi --- in color rip it ends up being 55.2083" x 18.8056". The more the ppi in photoshop, the larger the INCH size in color rip ends up being. NOW..... in CS4 (or below) it never did this to me. Yes, I simple can use color rip to resize the file to what it is supposed to be, but if I forget.... I just made a print that's the wrong size. Any ideas? thank you very much for any help! mike.