I recently acquired an LEC2. I've been having some issues with white lines showing up when I print white. Please see picture below - is this normal? or any suggestions what can be done to correct it. The lines can only be seen at certain angles and lighting.
Feed is calibrated but have noticed that on the calibration feed test print that there is sometimes a small change in the optimal option. If I repeat the test several times in a row, the previous optimal setting might show a very slight narrow gap between the top and bottom blocks, meaning it needs adjusting by at most +/- 0.1
So to be clear I kept going between this range: -0.1, -0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.1
I've adjusted media gap as best as I can, cleaned encoder strip and tried different media. Nozzle test looks good
I recently acquired an LEC2. I've been having some issues with white lines showing up when I print white. Please see picture below - is this normal? or any suggestions what can be done to correct it. The lines can only be seen at certain angles and lighting.
Feed is calibrated but have noticed that on the calibration feed test print that there is sometimes a small change in the optimal option. If I repeat the test several times in a row, the previous optimal setting might show a very slight narrow gap between the top and bottom blocks, meaning it needs adjusting by at most +/- 0.1
So to be clear I kept going between this range: -0.1, -0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.1
I've adjusted media gap as best as I can, cleaned encoder strip and tried different media. Nozzle test looks good
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