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Need Help Roland LEJ-640F installation after transport


New Member
Hi everyone.
A client called me for restart a flatbed printer = Roland LEJ-640F.

He bought it recently. The printer is delivered in the place it will work.
He needs me for re-assembling it, filling inks (printheads were flushed), and training him with the printer and softwares.

He told me the printer was OK for everything before transport.

Is there something to know about this printer model ?

I know perfectly Roland XC540, SP/VP 300/540.

Can anyone share with me a service manual, or any service note ?

Thanks in advance.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
If this is an FT model, the printer is most like an XC from your list, but is quite a bit different. The table will be the most challenging part for you because it isn't Roland-ish.
If it worked well before, and was put away properly is recommend replacing the caps, wipers, sponges and fan filtersbefore starting up.
Was the printer removed from the table? This will be a job for 3 or 4 strong people to mount it back on.
Initially level the table with a carpenters leveland check for flatness with a straight edge. You may need to fine tune level the table later after you get it printing.
Make sure the incoming voltage is between 220 and 240. There is a tap to set according to the input voltage. When this is set correctly, the voltage across the big capacitor should be between 70 and 75vdc. Outside this range the motors won't work or could be damaged.
After that there are calibrations to be done on the table. You should be able to find the user's manual online. It will explain how the control pad works.
I'll IM you with some more info.

Good luck