Hi guys I have a Roland in SP-300V. I've been up constantly reading forms and stuff. I'm having trouble when I print it's almost like there's a slight banding with lines running through my black and other colors. I had a service technician come out and we did a print test and all that stuff and he said when we did the print test that I needed a new print head but I can wait it really won't affect anything and that I can still sell my decals. But it bothers me and I don't think anyone will buy them. When I print them there's like a slight banding through all the colors. I've tried to diagnose this problem I'm using a vectorize file I'm using a glossy media so I'm using a GCVP media profile with high quality. But nothing seems to be working. Would anyone know why? The prints should come out clear and crisp. But I just can't wrap my head around this.
Thank you
Thank you
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