Personally I'd keep it. They are work horses and easy to service yourself. Although parts are hard to get, 3rd party are easy enough, especially from sign-in-global. Newer machines I'd stir clear of 3rd party, but OEM are pretty impossible to get now for these and most of them work just as well. As for cleaning, even if not used everyday, keep it plugged in and on and just do a simple regular cleaning every morning when you go into the shop and do a manual cleaning every Friday, through it into your routine and it will keep the machine running fine. Do you have a nozzle test you can show. Never know, could possibly be revived depending if it's clogged or actual damage. I find with these heads, after doing a 48 hour head soak, gently pulling with a syringe from the line after the cap top helps to clear up most blockage that the head soak didn't. You can always try Netsol's remedy with 10% acetone mixed in to the cleaning fluid for a head soak, but that's at your own risk.