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Roland SP540i Prints on Sending But not on test prints


New Member
ok guys so i replaced the one transistor again, and result all heads are firing, but weirdly my test print and any test prints are without black, and also test prints are printing weirdly not same as usual. But when sending prints all seems well, the issue is i need to set print/cut alignment but seeing it doesn't print black on test prints i cannot set the cutting..... anyone ever seen this happen.
Could i Factory reset? and if so what setup info will i need like network settings? what else will be lost here? what steps do i need to ensure i can factory reset and get back to printing

Zoogee World

Domed Promotional Product Supplier
Have you tried to setup a special file setting PMS colors for C,M,Y & K and then setting in the Spot color in Versawork 100%C only for Cyan , 100& M only for Magenta and so on and trying to see if it's actually printing black, as typically when you print something it doesn't always use K, a lot of times it mixes the other 3 to form a black, so that might be causing the confusion. If you can verify that Black is actually printing on a sent print, then it would lead to a system issue, but if it doesn't print black, might be the black channel isn't working.


New Member
Have you tried to setup a special file setting PMS colors for C,M,Y & K and then setting in the Spot color in Versawork 100%C only for Cyan , 100& M only for Magenta and so on and trying to see if it's actually printing black, as typically when you print something it doesn't always use K, a lot of times it mixes the other 3 to form a black, so that might be causing the confusion. If you can verify that Black is actually printing on a sent print, then it would lead to a system issue, but if it doesn't print black, might be the black channel isn't working.
a see very little change setting CMY To lowest and K to highest value but my black is definitely more dark grey than black also guess its time for a new head


New Member
If it is printing out some black on artwork, then it should also show some on test prints. As suggested, make up artwork with a stripe of black about 10cm tall and the width of the vinyl, and print that and see what your black actually looks like.
If there is some black printing, it could be down to ink starvation, so the next things to do would be to replace the black damper and captop and see if it improves. Also check the hose from the captop to the pump and make sure it is clear, and also check the black ink line for any sign of bubbles all the way back to the ink dock


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
a see very little change setting CMY To lowest and K to highest value but my black is definitely more dark grey than black also guess its time for a new head
Make sure you turn off color correction or use the spot color replacement tool to set the color to 100% black when sending the file over. That way it will tell the printer to only print 100% black. If you use color correction, it will add in the other colors even if you set them to 0.