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Need Help Roland SP540V {PINCHROLL ERROR INVALID ID RIGHT POS.} Changed data cable - cut carriage sensor - cut carriage board..Please HELP!

Reiter Gallery

New Member
Hello to anyone who may be able to give me some suggestions on what to do next. I have had this machine {SP540V} for 20+ yrs. I love it and have changed out lots of parts over the years to keep it running daily by myself. I can usually figure it out by researching online but this time it seems like there is no hope. Has anyone had this issue and fixed it? {PINCHROLL ERROR INVALID ID RIGHT POS.} I have changed the data cable - cut carriage sensor - cut carriage board..Please HELP! Machine turns on cleans normally then goes to read the material length but goes all the way to the end of the platen then back and the error persists.


New Member
Re seat the data cable and try a different position. Check no bent pins on the data cable. Also recheck the sensor plugs and wires for continuity.


New Member
Put a piece of white reflective vinyl on the tab of the pinch roller.

Reiter Gallery

New Member
Re seat the data cable and try a different position. Check no bent pins on the data cable. Also recheck the sensor plugs and wires for continuity.
Thank you I have triple checked all the things you have stated.


New Member
Make sure the sensor that reads where the pinch rollers are (on the rear of the cut carriage) is plugged in and not dirty.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
Have you gone into the sensor test mode to see if the sensor is reading the pinch rollers? If it does, then you need to look at the Scan axis drive system. Belt tension, scan motor, home position sensors. The printer doesn't use the encoder strip when reading the pinch rollers, so don't bother with that.
If the printer doesn't see the pinch rollers in the sensor test mode, then you've got a connection issue between the main board and the new sensor.

Good Luck

Reiter Gallery

New Member
Have you gone into the sensor test mode to see if the sensor is reading the pinch rollers? If it does, then you need to look at the Scan axis drive system. Belt tension, scan motor, home position sensors. The printer doesn't use the encoder strip when reading the pinch rollers, so don't bother with that.
If the printer doesn't see the pinch rollers in the sensor test mode, then you've got a connection issue between the main board and the new sensor.

Good Luck
Thank you Joe House I have not checked but I will today. I have never done the sensor test is there a quick rundown on how? I assume it's in service mode.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
Yes, it's in the service mode. When you go in there, look for the asterisk under the "W". It should change when the sensor is in front of a pinch wheel. Try all the pinch wheels before deciding if the sensor is reading them or not. I can't remember if the asterisk is normally on or not - just look for it to change status.
The other one to pay attention to is "O" this is for the limit sensor or the cut carriage home sensor. It should change when the carriage moves away from the home position.

Good luck

Mike Paul

Super Active Member
Your pinch rollers need to be in the right spot.
I’ve had that error many times. Easy fix.

Make sure they are over the grip rollers not the little shine Crome parts on the top or bottom platten

Amit Nandlal

New Member
Encountered this issue by a client. After ensuring pinch wheels were being set correctly and swapping out the pinch wheel sensor,
We replaced the servo board, cut carriage cable and cut carriage pcb.
You can try the cut carriage cable and cut carriage pcb first as the cable usually is the culprit in most instances.

Reiter Gallery

New Member
Encountered this issue by a client. After ensuring pinch wheels were being set correctly and swapping out the pinch wheel sensor,
We replaced the servo board, cut carriage cable and cut carriage pcb.
You can try the cut carriage cable and cut carriage pcb first as the cable usually is the culprit in most instances.
Thank you I have replaced the cable, sensor, and board all new same error.


Active Member

are all the rollers "dropping down" ?
my right roller will stay in the up position, once in a while (the machine is 20 years old) &i need to jiggle it just a little bit & it drops into the correct position & works fine until next time

Reiter Gallery

New Member

are all the rollers "dropping down" ?
my right roller will stay in the up position, once in a while (the machine is 20 years old) &i need to jiggle it just a little bit & it drops into the correct position & works fine until next time
They seem to be locking down, thanks for the suggestion.