I've lurked and learned here for a while and now need some advice. I've been working with a sp 300 for 3 years now and love it. It runs at least 4 hours, up to 12 hours a day. Signs are one part of my business, lately though it has grown by leeps and bounds. We do lots of banners, real estate signs (coroplast) have gotten into heat transfer shirts, vehicle lettering, small graphices for vehicles etc. We do about 85% cutting, and the rest print. I would like to do more printing! Anyway I have found a vp 540 for around 7500, but..... it is a bank repo and I would not get to test it or even see it other than pictures before I buy. Then I have to have it shipped more than 1000 miles! Is this too much of a risk? I know I can use the machine at this point, I could easily run both machines 3-4 days a week to allow me to better keep up with my work load. Any advice is greatly appreciated as I must decide by Tuesday am.