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Rotatrim, what the heck?


New Member
So, based on glowing reviews, I picked up a Rotatrim 36" cutter on ebay. Even in it's used condition, it was pretty darn expensive.

The problem I immediately noticed is that the paper guide hardware is 2-3mm out-of-square over the course of its 10.5" length. The screenprinted guidelines seems to be square, but the paper guide hardware is off enough that a 36" cut is about 1/4" out-of-square at its end.

The strangest thing is that there doesn't seem to be any readily accessible way to adjust the guide. I imagine there are screws somewhere, but I'd have to take up the black, glued-on 'Rotatrim' logo thing. It doesn't appear to be made to come off.

Now I'm in ebay 'Resolution Center' hell and I really need this thing working. I wish I could have Rotatrim just send me a new one directly.

Did I miss all the bad reviews on the Rotatrim? It seems like their QC department spent the afternoon at the pub the day this unit was produced. Thoughts?



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Biker Scout

New Member
Cavet Emptor applies here. It did say it was used. Probably a good reason why it was sold on fleaBay "As Is"

I'm sure it's fixable however. Just make sure you use a decent square against the full length of the blade guide.

Also, when trimming prints and stuff like that... you should never rely on the edges or guides anyway to make your first cut. Always use your trim marks. They are square and accurate.


Premium Subscriber
Pry it off with a persuader or crow bar and double side tape it back on.

Until ya get it working, buy a new one and when ya get it, put your gem of a trimmer back up on e-bay.

Don't..... and I REPEAT.... DON'T put your e bay model in the box and send it back to Rotatrim. That would be totally dishonest.