to make sure I'm competitive with what I offer. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Despite the fact that what you paying the person is confidential, but to see if you over par or under par by asking general public:
What is your standard in measuring competitiveness when you want to pay someone that is going to be your employee who actually will making you the MONEY $$$$$ ?
Education , Business Skills, Production Skills, Certification, or Productivities per base on your business activities and earning ?
Also how would you know your competitor's standard in compensate qualify personal ?
Do you already thinking that you pay too much for the person ?
The suggestion is that you should pay the human according to the qualification, skills, and experience vs. the productivities of your business level rather than voting for the best rate!
People generally want good pay and bonuses so they can buy stocks, SUV with v8, flat panel TV, mortgage(s), pay property taxes, child support, etc. Dont' they ?
Sorry to be a bit social concerns the profiling as such, but you asking the society on this!