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Idea Design

New Member
While I agree that it's out-freaking-standing, as with 99% of all FX shows, the best thing to see TV since my all time favorite, The Shield, right now is Breaking Bad on AMC. Crazy crazy show about a high school chemist and one of his old students who decide it would be a grand idea to cook meth in an RV.

Season 3 finished this summer. Crazy good show.


New Member
in this order... son's, weeds, and breaking bad.

god i love good tv. the death of the sitcom, and hopefully the death of the reality show (except for discovery and its affiliates) is over.



New Member
in this order... son's, weeds, and breaking bad.

god i love good tv. the death of the sitcom, and hopefully the death of the reality show (except for discovery and its affiliates) is over.


you got good taste in tv shows. I do flashpoint as well.


New Member
Yeah, I'm in.

The only thing that I see are flaws in the plot (mostly in season 2), because I know several "clubbers" and they don't put up with $*%!. But I also realize that its a tv show, and they have to keep the plot going.

And yeah, I have a black ball cap with the words "REAPER CREW" stitched on the back.


New Member
I dig "SOA", but the plots have gotten increasing unbelievable as the show progresses. That whole Ireland thing just lost me.


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I've been a member since 2008


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RJ California

New Member
Breaking Bad is great. I'm watching season 2 on DVD now.
The Shield and The Wire were really good too.

I'm starting Deadwood Season 1 now, first few episodes were OK so I'll keep going.

I'll give Sons of Anarchy a shot one of these days. I like gritty dramas. Good thread to see what else I may have missed.


New Member
Breaking Bad is NOTHING like real meth cookers! Let me tell you from first hand knowledge! First off, the science is not as much as they show, way easier. Second, they are WAY more paranoid than ANY character on that show. The people that made that DID NOT do thier homework!!! That crap, meth, crank, chicken whatever it goes by is some nasty stuff. We have weekers all over out here in the area. They look more like the characters on the Walking Dead than they do on Braking Bad!!!!

Idea Design

New Member
Breaking Bad is NOTHING like real meth cookers! Let me tell you from first hand knowledge! First off, the science is not as much as they show, way easier. Second, they are WAY more paranoid than ANY character on that show. The people that made that DID NOT do thier homework!!! That crap, meth, crank, chicken whatever it goes by is some nasty stuff. We have weekers all over out here in the area. They look more like the characters on the Walking Dead than they do on Braking Bad!!!!

I read somewhere that Vince Gilligan and some of the team for Breaking Bad were sitting around talking (before this show came to be) and discussing what they would do with their lives if the screenwriting gig didn't work out or just stopped working for them altogether. One of them jokingly said 'we could always buy a busted up rv and go cook meth in the desert somewhere' and the rest of the crew laughed while Gilligan sparked the idea of the show. They came up with the first episode and it spiraled into an emmy winning drama and one of the best shows out there.

And Mosh, I'm just one state west of you and I've seen my fair share of tweakers too but you have to admit the episode where the two junkies robbed skinny pete and the following episode where jessie goes to collect the money (the one with the atm) those two were pretty convincing junkies. The lady in that sequence was the day hooker from My Name Is Earl.

Oh and Chris, I just read earlier today that the ever lovely Lyla from SOA is in Playboy this month or next. Yowza.