New Member
Hello Everyone! Looking for a little insight. I decided to dip my toes into the T-Shirt world.. We're a small operation.. Literally Ma & Pa.. Mostly Pa.. Anyhow.. Went small, bought a Sawgrass SG500 (Siser Bundle) with the Siser ink and Sisier Easysubli Printable HTV.. the software the Sawgrass comes with is pitifull.. Been using VE LXi Master 12 software,(basically Flexi from whay I can tell), for our vinyl signs for quite a while now.. I can get good prints on the Texprint DT paper.. Sharp, clear, just need to tweak the color a bit,(reds sublimate to a dark orangeish..) But when ever I switch to the Siser Easysubli material.. it just looks splotchy, almost like its putting out too much ink.. I've tried changeing damn near every parameter I can in the print menu../ Have changed Paper types,(photo,plain,glossy,ect..) / Paper thickness (envelope,card stock) / Quaility / Raster,Vector / Just cant get it print where I need it for a good product.. I realize I'm not using RIP software.. Do I need to be? As good as the texpaper comes out, I would think I'm OK using the LXi software.. I'm up for damn near any new ideas, outside of going into debt for a differnet machine..