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Scam email......sheesh.


Merchant Member
[FONT=HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif]Just got this today.....
Tom Signs <tomslgns8@yahoo.com>

To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Reply-To: Tom Signs <tomslgns8@yahoo.com>
Help Needed.. From Tom

[FONT=HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif]Hi, I'm writing this with great grievance. I'm presently in (Manila) Philippines with my Family for a short vacation and we're stuck right now...And really it was unannounced. We were attacked by four armed robbers on our way back to the hotel where we lodged.we were robbed and completely embarrassed,thank God they didn't hurt anyone or take our passports. Right now we are in a financial mess due to unable to settle bills owed at the hotel.[/FONT]

All our cash,credit cards and cellphone were stolen. We've reported the incident to the embassy and the Police but to my dismay they seem not bothered...their response was just too casual.Our flight leaves in few hours but We've got to settle our bills before We're allowed to leave....Now am freaked out....Please i need you to loan me some money,i promise to refund you as soon as I'm back home, All i need is ($2,960) but don't know how much you would be able to spare.. . Please Let me know what you can do. I await your positive response so i know how you can assist me at the moment.

Best Regards


Tom @ Tom Signs
5306 Nelson ST.
Arvada, CO 80002




Merchant Member
Do I know Tom?? not this one...hahahaa. Yea....knew it was a scam immediately and laughed.


New Member
Poor soul. I think I should print him up the $2,960.00 on my Roland and send it to him right away. Good deeds are always rewarded.


Go Bills!
I always respond to these emails with something like:

Please pickup the nearest pencil to you and jam it firmly in your ear...


Premium Subscriber
Just write him back and tell him you'll wire the money directly into his account if he'll provide you with the numbers. :rolleyes:


New Member
Tom @ Tom's Signs is a REAL person. I do know him personally and as far as I know he is not on vacation! He is a contract sign installer here in Colorado. His phone was lost/stolen. He is aware of the problem.
