Looks like Addie is back, see post below!
So you like to talk about other and you do the same thing! Who would have thought that
Ginoaddietech now that you asked a question, you did just like all you talk down to, so if the shoe fits wear it!

:Big Laugh
You can take this in any direction you want, but if you think this is funny, you're sadly mistaken.
Addie said and made a lot of mistakes and constantly back-pedaled. If you think this is the same, then perhaps you should take a refresher course in business.
I don't think anyone has ever hung on my every word the way you've been doing it lately, Brian. What is your beef ?? I've PM'ed you about this, I've asked you on the boards, what's next ?? You want a phone call ??
It's called making a good business decision. I've said throughout this whole thread and you're still the only one riding my a$$. In my opinion, I found a tool I liked with basically all the same specs and cost less and I could have it immediately. There were no Hiltis around to look at, let alone try.
What is so hard to get through your noggin ??
The parts you highlighted support what I've been saying all along, anyways. That's what's so mindboggling to me.
Are you just stalking me or just being a ditz ?? For cripes sake, you're getting to be like a sore throat. I don't want it..........
Seriously, if ya got a problem, man up and call me or return my e-mails or PM's. This silly hounding me and not making any sense is pointless and you know it or you wouldn't be on this crusades of yours.