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Self Portrait Designed in CorelDRAW

Joe Diaz

New Member
So I was asked to send in content for some ads for CorelDRAW X7.
They wanted me to include a profile pic to go with it and said that some of the artists were using self portraits designed in CorelDRAW, I sent in the one I have as an Avatar here that I also use on our website and on social media sites, but I wanted to do one a little more detailed. So I started on it a while ago hoping I would get it done in time and didn't, but I did eventually finish it. Then I had some fun with it and added some extra tech. LOL Halfway through I was kicking myself for spending that amount of time working on my own likeness. It just feels weird. I would have preferred to stare at some attractive girl. :omg::rolleyes:

New Joe Illustration small.jpg

Here is the image before I added the robotic stuff:

Here is a higher resolution version of how it ended up:

I finished it up in X7 using some of the new tools. I'm kind of trying to figure out how I survived this long with out elliptical gradient fill effects or the Smooth Tool.

Pat Whatley

New Member
You do some incredible work Joe. Can't wait to see what you churn out when you finally embrace Adobe. :Big Laugh


New Member
Absolutely amazing!!! Well done. I would love to see the original corel file to see how you created it. It must have taken you forever to do.



New Member

youre very talented.. this selfportrait is a lot more than knowing coreldraw..

i believe you need to try some 3d modelr program.. you could make fantastic things..

these works are very timeconsuming and can not be evaluated as per hour..
for this type of work really need some type of mood..

without i would distract your post i show you something as a little teasing..
i modeled this head, and the full body in a positure for a job..

with reference photos, and i had to put together a standing figure one hand in pocket, and other hand hold a lion cub :)
it made for a safari golfcourse..

program i used dont even cost a fortune.. in that time it was some 60 dollar..

so.. i hope i made you curious to trying..


right now it 80 dollar..


  • face-2.jpg
    37 KB · Views: 173


New Member
Great work!

How mush time from pic to robotic portrait?

Please tell me you screen recorder was running in the background when you did this, so we can see the work in real time.

Awesome stuff.


New Member
Is it just me?

I have tried both links that Joe posted NUMEROUS times. The always time out before letting me see them on the Corel site. I am using Firefox, on a very fast DSL line for open or uploading to the internet. Any suggestions? I do not experience this with other links or sites.


New Member
HA! Finally proof! We knew you were a Machine Joe! This self portrait closes that case!

Really awesome job!

Joe Diaz

New Member
Great work!

How mush time from pic to robotic portrait?

Please tell me you screen recorder was running in the background when you did this, so we can see the work in real time.

Awesome stuff.

I honestly don't know how much time. 15 minutes here, 10 minutes there, mostly at home while halfway watching TV. Since it wasn't a paying job I couldn't afford to spend larger blocks of time working on it, so it becomes difficult to keep track of time. I get asked questions like how long so often that I've been trying to get someone help me create a plugin/macro that will track time spent on design. Without going into too much detail about my idea for this, I'll just say that I'm wanting something that could somehow time how long you are actually working by only timing while the mouse, tablet or keyboard are being used, and after 40 seconds or so of not being used on that particular program the timer would pause, so that it wouldn't record the time for bathroom breaks, answering the phone, or talking to walk-ins. I think it would be really helpful for pricing jobs and tracking time.

I didn't screen record for similar reasons. If I had the time to sit down and work on things like this for longer periods of time instead of 15 minutes one day the 10 minutes 2 days later, I think recording would be easier.

The best thing I have is a wireframe of it:
New Joe Illustration wireframe small.jpg

I have tried both links that Joe posted NUMEROUS times. The always time out before letting me see them on the Corel site. I am using Firefox, on a very fast DSL line for open or uploading to the internet. Any suggestions? I do not experience this with other links or sites.

Shoot I didn't think about that. You know what I bet it is? I bet you have to be logged into CorelDRAW.com to see those. I didn't think about that. I uploaded them to our site:



New Member
Very cool Joe! I love how your face & eyes have circuit board looking details in them. Also, the blurred background adds nice depth. I've been wanting to try making a photo realistic vector portrait for a while but haven't gotten around to it.


New Member
My mind is blown. I'm on X4 and I can't even imagine what doing stuff like that, especially with the mesh tool being garbage. How improved if any is it in X7?

Joe Diaz

New Member

True that. This I know. But I don't know of any that will automatically pause when you step away from the computer for a little while. That is what I would love to see. I've requested it as a built in feature to CorelDRAW, I would love for that time stamp to be saved with the file, but I'm sure that feature is pretty far down on a list of cool potential features that should be included. Maybe someday.

Joe Diaz

New Member
My mind is blown. I'm on X4 and I can't even imagine what doing stuff like that, especially with the mesh tool being garbage. How improved if any is it in X7?

I don't work with the mesh tool for this type of work. I never have. I create a lot of layers and use gradients and transparencies. Everyone does it differently and every artists is going to have a different style. I like to show off that this is vector, so you will see the lines in pieces like this that I do. I view it as being similar to seeing the strokes of paint in a painting. The mesh treatment is too smooth for my personal taste. It doesn't have the character that I like to see. But that's me. That being said I've seen some amazing art created with the mesh tool, so others are finding away to rock the mesh tool. Like anything I'm sure it takes practice.


New Member
If you don't mind sharing, I'm interested to hear about your process.

Did you do an automatic image trace of a photo and edit the results, or did you just start tracing over a photo of yourself with vector tools? I'm assuming you have a source photo of yourself that you used.

Also, do you use a tablet? What tools do you use in Corel? I use illustrator but I'm sure the tools are very similar.