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Selling a flatbed?


New Member
We've got an Oce 365 GT we got in 2016 and it's been amazing with very few problems even after a cross country move. We're considering upgrading though to get a little more speed and capability but I'm wondering how most people go about selling a huge piece of equipment like this. Having already moved it once, I know first hand what an ordeal it was so I can't imagine anyone wanting to buy something used like this and deal with all the transport issues that can go wrong. Are they even worth attempting to sell? Anyone have experience buying or selling a flatbed?


Mark Snelling - Hasco Graphics
You can pay (a lot) of money to have Canon de-install and re-install a flatbed. They charge a ton but it does bring an element of confidence in terms of being able to securely move the unit. These big units don't like being moved too often, that's for sure.


New Member
We've got an Oce 365 GT we got in 2016 and it's been amazing with very few problems even after a cross country move. We're considering upgrading though to get a little more speed and capability but I'm wondering how most people go about selling a huge piece of equipment like this. Having already moved it once, I know first hand what an ordeal it was so I can't imagine anyone wanting to buy something used like this and deal with all the transport issues that can go wrong. Are they even worth attempting to sell? Anyone have experience buying or selling a flatbed?
We have moved this model of printer many times. There are still buyers for 365s, and the cost of buying a well-treated used printer plus moving expenses is still less than a brand new machine.

You could list the printer in a number of places, including here (Signs101) and on Global Garage.


Active Member
We bought a used flatbed, we ran one city over, 45 minute drive.

It's Not bad... Didn't even drain the ink lines, our machine had supports that you bolted in that kept the Gantry stable, we threw a tarp over it forklifted onto a flat deck and then forklifted it off in our location. It was scary for sure, but if you have all of the hardware that came with the printer so that you can lock it down... It's pretty safe.

If you were shipping it further than 45 minutes away, you would want to flush the heads as well and maybe empty out all the ink... But it should still be doable.

Personally I would throw up on Craigslist for $10-20,000, tell the buyer he has to deal with shipping and you will help. Think it was like $500 to rent a flatbed


New Member
We've got an Oce 365 GT we got in 2016 and it's been amazing with very few problems even after a cross country move. We're considering upgrading though to get a little more speed and capability but I'm wondering how most people go about selling a huge piece of equipment like this. Having already moved it once, I know first hand what an ordeal it was so I can't imagine anyone wanting to buy something used like this and deal with all the transport issues that can go wrong. Are they even worth attempting to sell? Anyone have experience buying or selling a flatbed?
In the case of the GT version (small table) de-installation and installation are not a big problem - the most important part is to prepare the printer for shipment (lock the carriage to the gantry, gantry to the table and remove fluids from the printer). Skilled service engineer will need a few hours to deinstall and a day or two to install in the new place. And don't forget that you need a pallet floor to raise the printer, you shouldn't lift it with the forklift directly, you could bend the table and ruin whole geometry...