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Shooting figure.... where o where


New Member
Alright, so working on a sign for a friends shooting range, and he wants 2 guys shooting. One with a sidearm, one with a rifle. The original was some strange looking painted sign, and I really don't feel like re-drawing these guys. lol.

Anyone know of any clipart out there? I've been striking out :( Just can't seem to find anything.

Any form of figure is fine... just need guys shooting!!!


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New Member
those guys are kind of creepy dressed the same and kind of cuddling up real close while shooting so there isn't much hope to re-draw this and have it look OK. can you find anything in Fred's collection that can be used? can you draw something? you're pretty talented.

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
yikes that is creepy looking and then with that old looking fort wall egad ...is this the outer limits hope ya find something


Premium Subscriber
I think that guy kneeling has a definite thigh problem. Looks as if it swelled up to triple it normal size. He must've take an arrow in it earlier fighting off the Indians and it hasn't healed properly.


New Member
"Once upon a there were twin brothers, Timmy and Tommy. Timmy and Tommy love to shoot together. Every since Timmy's awful thigh accident, he has had to kneel to shoot. Timmy and Tommy love to dress the same and always wear slacks and a nice imitation gold shirt when going to the range. Timmy and Tommy can't understand why they can't get a date and still live with their mommy."

(next part of story please...if we can't help find clipart, we can at least write a story)


Premium Subscriber
Timmy and Tommy are always defending their fort made of all Brown Crayola crayons against foreign invaders coming in illegally to take the supplies from 'Fort Crayola'.

Their biggest fear is the incoming burning arrows that will melt the fort and make Mommy mad and then she'll holler at them and make them clean up their big gooey mess.


New Member
I should show you the rest of the sign. The clouds in the background look like 5 fingers, with the middle finger being much taller than the rest (thus the reason they're replacing it... too many complaints).

The sign creeps me out. lol.


New Member
Hahhaa! They both look like Mr. Spock.

Timmy and Tommy were angry about being caught in their mother's underwear drawer, presumably dressing up as Tammy.
They took out their frustrations at the shooting range out behind the homemade fort Uncle Bumpy built for them.
Their target was a photo of Dear Old Mom.
Timmy was really just using Mom's Playtex I can't Believe It's A Girdle to support his swollen thigh.
Tommy, however, still has an 18-Hour bra stashed in the secret hiding place under his bed, which has a cowboy bedspread.

OK, sorry about that lapse but the story was so intriguing.
It is really hard to find a decent image of a man with a gun.
I ran into the same problem for someone's t-shirt art last week.
I ended up mixing a stock image of a gun with some characters from a silhouette font.


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New Member
maybe clean up Timmy and Tommy and use them as it would be sad to see them go...they are so awful, they could use a little updating, maybe some new matching outfits and Timmy finally gets the surgery needed to fix that horrid thigh injury caused by the melting crayons when their groovy fort was attacked by flaming arrows...mommy is so mad she took away their cowboy bedspreads for a whole month.


New Member
Fotosearch has some but they are kinda pricey.

Did you know that Timmy and Tommy opened up a boy scout camp when they grew up?


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New Member
Did you know that Timmy and Tommy opened up a boy scout camp when they grew up?

and they asked Flame to make them a sign that says "No Girls Allowed" with the "r" in girls backwards.


Premium Subscriber
The frost is off the pumpkin up there now.... Spring has finally arrived......................


New Member
Flamey here's a tracing based on the original.
I gave Timmy an ass and made both of their heads smaller.
Perspective may be off a bit but hey they are getting older.
It's kind of hard to un-creep them.


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