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Shop Music?


Active Member
Been a rocker since can remember, godsmack, Metallica, seether, pantera, etc... Customer walked in while I had Disturbed - Down With The Sickness playing, and she commented on my "angry white boy music" and "is that a chicken squawking" So curious if and/or what type of music i do y'all play?


New Member
I listen to EVERYTHING, but I normally don't crank it up unless it's before or after I lock/unlock the door. I have been "that guy" that walked in to some kind of annoying music I couldn't stand, and I couldn't wait to get out of the place. I don't want to do that to my customers too.


Active Member
Add Dio, Scorpions, Quiet Riot, Black Label Society, Mudvayne, and Jackyl and we are good to go. However, I do intersperse that with OTR. I got quite a few episodes of The Saint for Christmas, so that's been my mainstay for awhile. I have everything networked in like I do design files, so no matter where I am (office or shop), I have access to my tunes and shows.


New Member
When/if I ever get a shop it will be between classic rock and "Racist Right Wing Talk"
I like talk radio on XM


We are usually streaming a movie on Netflix. Started season one of Rescue Me yesterday.
If it's a Louis CK standup or some horror movie, we have to scramble to hit pause.

When I can't find anything to watch, I'll put it on a Pearl Jam channel on Pandora.

signguy 55

New Member
Classic rock for me, but even then I will turn it down when a customer comes in.

I can handle about anything, I admire the metal bands for their technical ability but cannot handle the vocals for long.

Man I miss Dimebag.

showcase 66

New Member
Depends on my mood. Here is my pandora Station list:
Green Day
Matt King
Bon Jovi (older stuff)
Rat Pack
Van Halen
Billy Currington
Tim McGraw

When I need to bust out some things it is usually the rock or alternative.

Also will turn it down when customers come in or the phone rings.


New Member
I usually run the first two Slayer albums, the employees hate it, production is out the roof so they can get out of the shop as quick as possible.


New Member
We listen to Jim Rome in the morning. all other times just the top charts on the radio.. and some hilarious talk shows..

Pat Whatley

New Member
Usually talk radio but somedays I leave it on the Twang channel on accuradio.com or KPIG out of California. Whatever it is it's not loud enough to really hear from the customer area.

There are shops I won't go in because I don't want to have to listen to gospel choirs, soul music, or death metal blaring at me. Made me realize that nobody wanted to hear what I was listening to either, no matter what I thought. Well with the exception of the random blues day. There were people on the sidewalk wondering what in the heck was going on the last time we had Etta James and Son House blaring turned all the way up to 11.


New Member
Mostly this every day...


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Premium Subscriber
We all have our choice of music on our computers, while out in the shop, they'll plug their ears into their own device. As for music around the shop, we stopped doing that years ago so we don't antagonize anyone coming in. We have such a cross section of customers from nuns and ministers to gangsta type clubs.... we just don't want to tick anyone off.

Besides, there are all kinds of other sounds we listen to like plotters or printers running to the heater or the compressors... it's hard to hear music above some of these other sounds.

Jim Doggett

New Member
2B said:
Been a rocker since can remember, godsmack, Metallica, seether, pantera, etc... Customer walked in while I had Disturbed - Down With The Sickness playing, and she commented on my "angry white boy music" and "is that a chicken squawking" So curious if and/or what type of music i do y'all play?

Brasilian jazz channel on Pandora, mostly. Also Stevie Ray Vaughn channel, Alicia Keys, Santana, old school R and B.


New Member
There are shops I won't go in because I don't want to have to listen to gospel choirs, soul music, or death metal blaring at me. Made me realize that nobody wanted to hear what I was listening to either, no matter what I thought.

Totally agree. We relegate music to the production area. We listen to Sirius--lately JamOn.


Active Member
We also each listen to our own thing.
The rule is that no one else should be able to tell what you listening to from more than a few feet away, except in the back shop where customers don't go.


New Member
With all the 80's music you guys listen to i hope you have the proper hair cuts.


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