As a owner of a Edge LE and owner of an inkjet printer, I'll tell you that I get a lot of use out of my Edge. I called tech support this past Monday about a issue I was having and they called me back same day with a solution. My Edge is 10 years old and the only things I have replaced include the power supply (my Dad's fault for trying to wire in a j-box on the same circuit while I was printing - the surge from the short circuit fried the power supply - $350 to replace), the shocks, the ground strap, and the vinyl fingers. Not much really. I have had my inkjet for 1.5 years and have replaced a lot more dollar wise. I am actually considering buying another Edge. I do a lot of decals and vehicle graphics (service companies). I use my Edge a lot. It doesn't need laminate and it doesn't need to dry. It's easier to put a 12" print on in panels than a 48" print, or even a 30" print. Once you learn the limitations, you have no problems. I do paneled graphics all the time with my Edge and no-one ever complains. I had a DC-4 and gave it back. Too many limitations on vinyl. You can use almost any 15" vinyl on an Edge. And you can't do chrome and gold on a inkjet. If you have any questions, drop me a pm.