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Signlab 10.0 Print & Cut for sale...


Graphics Designer
I have Signlab 10.0 Print & Cut, Cadlinks newest version of Signlab, Top Of the Line software. New in the box, Installation DVD, security dongle and manual. Cadlinks Price right now until the end of februari is $2,750. Get this at a great price and save big time only $2,350.

If you're interested let me know at: timotyen@yahoo.com

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Active Member
I thought it was around $500? Maybe thats for the upgrade?

If you get either one of the standalone programs CutPro or DesignPro, those are $500.

Although, I'm wanting to say that there was a special price for Print and Cut 2 yrs ago that was $700, but I could be confusing that with something else.


Active Member
This is what I was thinking (older then a couple of yrs and applied to ver. 9).

Looks like it was a special to upgrade from competitor products (probably when most of the bigger vendors were pushing subscription (I think 2014 is when Adobe started doing it only, Flexi I think started offering it (not solely like Adobe)).

Corel did a similar tactic to sway people from Ai to them.

I was just a little fuzzy on the details.


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