Flexi has a monthly subscription. Pro is $49a month with a 1 year agreement.
As cheap as I am, I do find this to be a decent value.
Be absolutely certain that with Each and every file you create you make a Save As or Export formats
to EPS and PDF. Back these up to a external SS Drive.
I have old old old Flexi files that will not import to anything including Flexi.
I have used Flexi for 29 years, and I do know that some guys prefer SL.
Side Note:
I have used demos of Onyx and Wasatch and did not find enough of a difference in color
values to command a valid enough reason to shell out the bucks to rip the HP 560.
Thats a lot of hard earned money, and I am cheap.
On the other hand % 99.8 of the materials in my shop are 3M.