I had a guy, just yesterday ask me to drop a sign off he had originally agreed to pick up. I said Okay, but when my guy gets there have the check ready. He said no problem. When he got back Jeremy gave me the check and said the guy was making fun of you.... I asked how ??
He said you must be having cash flow problems...... you must be slow with work and why else would you be forcing your customers to pay upon receipt ??
I told my guy to forget it and he said... well, he said he caught you in a lie. I asked how so ?? Well, he said if you were so busy, you couldn't have sent someone over there to drop off his sign and then demand money without leaving the invoice there to be paid 'whenever'.
I didn't say much to my employee, but the matter of it is this. That customer has no right talking to
MY employees about how we do business. He should be discussing business with me or shut the
F*** up. The main reason I demanded money was for a few comments made from him earlier. He ordered the sign on Friday and wanted it by Wednesday. However, when I asked him for a deposit, he said he didn’t have it and was submitting this quote to the Borough's 'Beautification Committee' for grant money. I told him Okay, but I’ll want full payment when the sign is finished and he picks it up, whether he has
their money or not. He agreed. He then asked me to send him all of our past invoices to him by fax so he could get those into the grant also. I reminded him that he had already gotten grant money for everything we did for him up to this last sign. and he said… so what. Anyway, I called him a day early and told him he could pick his sign up by lunchtime. He said he couldn’t and told me he wanted it delivered. I told him our truck was in the shop and wouldn’t be available until Thursday. Then I asked one of my employees to take his truck over and drop the sign off and be sure to pick up the check. We got there about 2:30 and the guy griped about being late and having a window of time between 12 and 1pm and we screwed him up. Then he went into this other crap making fun of me and I gave my guy $5 for gas money and the place is only 3 miles away. Plus, I didn’t charge the guy for delivering and he comes down on my crap ?? What a turd.
He’s the one squandering around to make ends meet and because I play hardball, I’m the meanie. Tough
F***ing crap and too bad for your predicament, but I didn’t cause it and don’t intend to let it happen to us with people like him stiffing me.
Pat, you gotta get tough and start making business about business and let these leeches go…. and when they can afford to pay, they’ll come back…. if at all. You don’t need customers that have excuses and stories about the accountant has the check book or the person that writes the checks isn’t in today.
Heck, I had a lawyer a few weeks ago that said his check book was being audited. I said, well, let’s take a walk down to your bank and you can make a withdrawal if your serious about these signs. We went down and he took out abut $3,800 and counted it into my hand right there in the bank. I thanked him, had the job done in about two weeks and guess what…. his check book was somewhere else this time and I asked…. are we making a trip down to the bank again ?? He laughed and asked if he could put it on a credit card. Sure, follow me out to the shop and we’ll take care of it right away. He said he had another meeting and couldn’t afford the extra time, so I said… let’s go to the bank. He looked at me, smiled and said… let’s go.
I have two tricks and my first trick is simple. I don’t feel embarrassed to ask for
MY money. I don’t screw around with excuses any longer. It is what it is and I stick 100% to the storyline and don’t listen to the BS they give me. After they are finished explaining this that or whatever…. I immediately say… Okay, that’s all fine and dandy. Now where’s the balance ??
That’s the other trick. Make sure you have a deposit, so you’re not out the whole amount. Collecting half of what someone owes you is a lot easier than collecting the whole amount. Collecting the whole amount in my eyes has become a problem of your own business practices not faring well.
Get deposits and be a tough ol’ SOB collecting the rest.