I had my roland sp-540V and just got it out of storage for the past few years. Before I crated it up I performed a full solvent cleaning and drained all the fluids. The printer turned on fine, the issue I'm having is when the printer starts up it prompted me for the cartridges. I inserted the 1/2 and then pump turned on and tried to prime the ink. No ink came up to the lines pump shut off with a protect motor error which the book says to shut off machine and wait 40 mins. Basically the start up is like a new printer I think. The manual does not clearly state if you need to prime cleaning solution first then ink or if you can just go first with ink. When i've had prime issues in the past I would just connect a syringe to each blue/black and mag/yel lines and just prime it that way, but that was mainly when changing to new cartridges of ink. If anyone has dealt with this and has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
I had my roland sp-540V and just got it out of storage for the past few years. Before I crated it up I performed a full solvent cleaning and drained all the fluids. The printer turned on fine, the issue I'm having is when the printer starts up it prompted me for the cartridges. I inserted the 1/2 and then pump turned on and tried to prime the ink. No ink came up to the lines pump shut off with a protect motor error which the book says to shut off machine and wait 40 mins. Basically the start up is like a new printer I think. The manual does not clearly state if you need to prime cleaning solution first then ink or if you can just go first with ink. When i've had prime issues in the past I would just connect a syringe to each blue/black and mag/yel lines and just prime it that way, but that was mainly when changing to new cartridges of ink. If anyone has dealt with this and has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.