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Step right up, guess what this says!


I sell signage and signage accessories.
You would think sign companies would have a better grasp on design.

Disclaimer - If this is your shop, sorry for calling you out, but the helpful people here might be able to help you design a logo that your customers can read.


  • ugly.JPG
    35.7 KB · Views: 98


I sell signage and signage accessories.
the thing is... it gets even less legible at full size.... can't even imagine what it would look like on a wall, using dimensional....


Active Member
If I were a bettin' man I'd say the bulk of their stuff is subbed out. Not bashing just observing as I sub out myself. No mention was made of how the various products were produced, their talented staff, or equipment.
That being said they probably subbed out the logo design too.