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Sticker Mule needed a permit


Active Member
It is a political sign, therefore protected speech, which a lot of times exempts you from zoning, but taht is debatable. In any case I would still think it would requite a building permt to be sure it's installed up to code.


Active Member
If a business wants to spread the word and put out Trump or Harris signs, I have no issue with that. They will still get my business.

If you are going to cut the other party down and say nasty things about the people who support them, I DO have an issue with that.

Penzey's Spices and Minocqua Brewing. I have zero use for either of these businesses. They are nasty and mean. They both paid a huge financial price for it.

I don't see anything political on the StickerMule website - have they been talking nasty about Harris supporters or just trying to promote Trump? I don't get their emails apparently.
Thats the thing... They did it in mass E-mails, not on their website - And on their twitter account. So it's not really a company endorsing a cindidate so much as it is one spamming their views - If I got an E-mail saying to vote for the candidate I was going to vote for, and kept getting follow up spam messages about it, I'd be pissed too... doesnt matter the candidate, just that politics have nothing to do in marketing emails.

It's just more of the same - Personally I dont think there was much wrong with his message... He was calling out the political divide (Something I've done for years now....) How its Red or blue and nothing inbetween.

I was trying to find all the E-mails from them by reading their twitter and scrolling... but after about 50+ posts of Pro trump, Mark cuban doesnt run a company and thats why he hates trump, and other things... I just noped out. So here is the first E-mail and second E-mail. He sent people a message when they ubsubscribed as well....

https://x.com/stickermule Stickermules twitter if you want to see what the problem is - scroll down by a week and just see how many political posts there are... And compare it to how many sticker posts there are. I think his approach is wrong, and its not the right platform - Imagine one of the top posters on here only started to post political comments... Everyone would hate them too. Thats the main problem... It's not so much the message, even though he's starting to sound batshit crazy... but the way he's doing it.

They released a commercial people found...distasteful as well.

Then this came out during all of this... someone "allegedly" Ordered a shirt for MMIW (Missing and murdered indigenous woman) awareness... And they deleted their design and sent them a "Liberal Moron" shirt instead. Which I found funny, but cant imagine ever changing a customers message whether I agreed with it or not... :roflmao: Just seems like the company is run by.... non professionals.

P.S - I could care less if he supports Trump or biden. The only reason I know of all this drama is I'm in the sticker reddits, and this drama has been everywhere. So many people dumping the company... I think it's dumb to mass e-mail a promotional vote for XX E-mail, but I'd still use the company after that - The changing the message to liberal moron probably would have me re-think it. Either way... I've had to read and see thousands of posts about stickermule in the past few months, and its getting tiring! and is exactly why you don't do stupid shit (Or why you do do it, if its increased their profits).

Email 1:


Donald Trump was shot.

I don’t care what your political views are but the hate for Trump and his supporters has gone too far.

People are terrified to admit they support Trump. I’ve been scared myself.

Americans shouldn’t live in fear.

I support Trump. Many at Sticker Mule do.

Many at Sticker Mule also support Biden.

The political hate needs to stop.

Hopefully this email helps.

Btw, this week, get 1 shirt for $4 (normally $19).

I suggest buying one that shows you support Trump.

The more people realize that millions of kind-hearted, compassionate people support Trump, the sooner the hate will end.

Awesome people, all over the world, love Trump. Don’t limit your friendships and diminish your happiness by indulging in political hate.

Vocalize your support. Stop the hate.

Anthony Constantino Cofounder, Sticker Mule

P.S. Discuss this message on X.

E-mail #2 -

STATEMENT ON 2ND ATTEMPTED TRUMP ASSASSINATION They try to bankrupt him with lawfare. They try to hurt his family. They try to put him in jail. And now, they tried to kill Trump twice.
Will they start trying to kill Trump supporters next? Anti-Trump hate is a BIG problem that must be fixed. Lots of people are speaking up to fix it, but the people who lit the fire must apologize to restore UNITY to America. Hillary Clinton must apologize for calling Trump voters deplorables. Joe Biden must apologize for the "Fine People Hoax." Others who owe Americans an apology for their role in fanning the flames of anti-Trump hate include Jack Dorsey, Sam Altman, Paul Graham, Reid Hoffman, Paul Krugman, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, almost everyone at MSNBC, and many more. Mark Zuckerberg is off the list because he has already apologized and praised Trump, which has helped immensely. The sooner people come forward and issue statements to apologize for and explain that they provoked anti-Trump hate on false pretenses, often for their own benefit, the faster we’ll fix the problem and have a happier USA and world. Anthony Constantino CEO, Sticker Mule

victor bogdanov

Active Member
winner has been programmed into the voting software already anyway, no one has any idea what happens when they click submit. one line of code is all it takes to decide the result. no way to audit your vote outside of the software