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Stock Photography

Joe Diaz

New Member
Hi Amanda, welcome from Winnipeg!

Have you thought about designing some wraps for made up companies and using that as your examples? Having some realistic looking renderings until you have some real examples of your own to showcase might be a good way to start.

It's kind of a catch 22 really....you can't get customers in if you can't show what you do....but you can't show what you do if you haven't gotten customers in!

Good advice. And I 2nd Gino's thoughts too!

If the OP's personal portfolio contains only work that was done for a previous employer, well then start over building your portfolio from scratch, starting with your own stuff, followed by a few fictitious clients, until you start filling it with pay jobs. The important thing is that it's your own work. That's kind of the whole point of a portfolio. Sure building a portfolio up from nothing sounds like a real pain and a lot of work. But when has starting a new business ever been easy? You can do it. Work hard, do the right thing, and it will pay off.


New Member
I'm pretty sure I remember my sales rep from Fellers saying that I could use any of the pictures in the Fellers Catalog as a promotional item.

Might want to check with them.

Good Luck!

Uh oh that might be stealing! LOL

My intention is not to rip anyone off, or to be a copy cat. As I said, I do have personal portfolio work, but using that to promote a new company that is a competitor of the company that owns the work my brain created is still stealing. Sickly unethical is the uncredited use of something yanked from an image search. I refuse to do that. It would be my employer's name on the line, not just mine.

I think I asked a valid question, and I appreciate both sides of the argument. Seeing all sides and the concerns that go along with them is important. I was looking for a temporary solution to the advertising problem, to be replaced asap with our own work. I didn't think it deceitful to use an image with permission of something equal in quality to my previous work, where the actual use of my work without permission would be to spit in the face of our competitor.

I agree with the solution that several have suggested, of creating designs for made up companies. At lease then, we can say with all honesty that we created it from scratch. We also didn't want ALL of our advertising to have one example, which featuring our own vehicle would do. We will include it, absolutely, but one sample is not a very convincing selling point!

Thanks for the suggestions. I think I will consider this problem solved.
Here ya go phototec, you may want to read what she just posted again, if you dont understand it then you are the loser (just fyi, note that word has one o)
You can't stand people! <-- ? maybe

Well I can't stand whiners like you, always winning, and giving excuses for not being able to step-up and do the right thing.
im #winning for sure
People like you always looking for the easy way out, taking short-cuts, copying and stealing other people's creative work, and representing the work as your own.
because you have some idea of my creative body of work and capabilities?

What does McDonald's window art have do to with anything, at least McDonald's creates their own product photography, they don't use clip art or steal Burger Kings images, as you would suggest is Ok to do. Same thing hair salon example photos have to do with stylists, did the stylist at your local salon do every haircut in the book??? NO

How about this then, When you go into Home Depot to buy Tile Flooring and you are looking through the pics of kitchens and stuff, do you assume that the installers that Home Depot is sending to your house did all of that work?

When did I suggest its ok to steal? She posted that she is looking for a TEMPORARY solution to have some pics of wrapped vehicles in her showroom. Instead of pilfering google she came on here and asked nicely. So you dont think thats a great idea.. well whats it to you? AND THEN you proceed to say

"oh wait, do you even know how to design a wrap and wrap a vehicle?



Now if that isnt bagging on a newbie, then I dont know what is!!

The only reason you are defensive, is because YOUR are one of those who can't, so you just plagiarize other peoples work. There was a guy on here a while back who copied images from other sources and used them to build a gallery on his web page, and he was trying to mislead people, that he did those jobs, and in fact he copied some of the images from Sings101 members.

"YOUR are" sure do know a lot about me from my few posts here on Sings101

At least the OP has higher values than you:

"I ask, because I don't want to steal. THAT is unethical and not a good way to start up a business. What I am looking for is temporary until we create a few nice pieces that we can say are honestly ours."

thats funny, because i seem to remember typing "While I wouldnt come on here asking for pics of work, it seemed reasonable why they would come on here, because they have searched and couldnt find anything and they didnt want to pilfer off of google images."

Lemme explain what that means... I WOULDNT COME ON HERE ASKING FOR PICS LIKE SHE DID... I WOULD WRAP MY OWN VEHICLES, TRAILERS, MOTORCYCLES, SHOP WALLS, LOCAL TACO TRUCKS, whatever the hell I could get my hands on so I could build my portfolio... now how that brings in to question my values is beyond me

Get a life, looser...

Dadum CHHHHH!!! theres "YOUR" big punch line, hope "YOU'RE" feeling all warm and fuzzy inside

So lets recap. I clearly read the OP's first post, and while she MIGHT need helpful advice from people such as yourself, she didnt ask for it. She came on here with a clear concise humbly stated request.

Then the copyright police aka walker texas ranger of the sign business. decided that the request she made was just abhorrable, then to add to giving his advice where it wasnt requested, he then stated "oh wait, do you even know how to design a wrap and wrap a vehicle?



Sorry Gino, but to me (A person who owns a vbulletin forum with over 1 million posts) that classifies as bagging on a newbie. And if it doesnt, then what does calling a new member with 24 posts a loser with shady values classify as?

Now old Jon Walker here decides that i'm some sort of immoral no talent hack plagiarist who would steal other peoples work and represent it as my own. Lemme just bow down to that one, you should be a detective, cuz you have me pegged there fine sir, Im looking through all your past posts right now as we speak, is there any way you can send me that image of the long horn steer you did on the wrap of the hood of that 72 caddy? 300 dpi please.. im about to make some california cows real happy, and make a million off of your artwork from out of my garage!! :thumb:Got Milk?

I agree with you guys about the portfolio thing, but look at the context of how she asked and what she asked for.. The problem with forums is as in life is that people always have to stick their nose in other peoples crap (as I did in this thread) and people also want to answer questions that arent being asked, or offer unsolicited advice.. for example, I started this thread after i searched and got no solid answer http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93308

The answers I did get from people were exactly what I thought, ok cool. Now some people had to chime in and let me know I could get what I needed subbed out cheaper and easier.. I didnt ask that, but ok thanks.. now they seemed a little short and curt with their replies as if they thought I was stupid, but I didnt get offended because they possibly could have really been trying to help.. but at least they didnt end their post by making a comment like

"Do you even know how to make a backdrop :omg2:"

As Mr Texas Sign Ranger did.

Now since we are questioning my values, ability or whatever, let me say that you really have no idea who I am or what ive done to make judgements on those sorts of things based on 1 post on a website.

You could be a crappy designer, you could be the best in the world, you could be a devout christian of the utmost morality or a scumbag, you could be a freeloading VW driving hippy or you could be a harley riding veteran (hows those chaps?)

Either way, I wouldnt dare to make any judgements about you on any of those things because all ive seen of you is 3 internet posts, one telling a new girl she is basically stupid, one telling me im a worthless degenerate "looser" and one big upping your ego because someone else on the almighty interwebz agreed with you.

SO.... based on those 3 posts, I guess according to my VALUES, I would happily be able to judge you as a blowhard p***k


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Premium Subscriber
Ahhhh, WCS.....

What are you talking or writing about ??

For being an owner of some vbulletin of a million posts... is that supposed to make you some sort of authority ??

If you don't give two hoots about what anyone here has to say.... why is it you are to be listened to, yet believed. Is it in your own mind that yu are great.... or are you going to tell us some more of how great you are ??


New Member
Ahhhh, WCS.....

What are you talking or writing about ??

For being an owner of some vbulletin of a million posts... is that supposed to make you some sort of authority ??

If you don't give two hoots about what anyone here has to say.... why is it you are to be listened to, yet believed. Is it in your own mind that yu are great.... or are you going to tell us some more of how great you are ??

Im writing about p****s who attack other people on forums and make assumptions about them based upon no knowledge

Id say owning a large forum makes me more of an authority on members bagging newbies than say owning a sign shop in texas makes me an authority to give out unsolicited advice and judgements on peoples life choices on the internet

Please feel free to read again and tell me where ive said how great I am? And how I dont give 2 hoots about what anyone has to say.

I came on this forum to gain knowledge on products and techniques and to check out cool work by other people. I do that, and ive seen some cool stuff, had some questions asked, and learned a little bit. And ive tried to offer input and knowledge I have to others in a simple non judgemental way - and only in threads where my post is directly relevant to what they asked. NOT some condecending lines disguised as "solid business advice"

Gino, ive seen you post some knowledgeable stuff, you seem level headed. I think its interesting how you were one of the first to reply to the OP and you threw down a simple "welcome" post.

So upon first look, did you not think her request was so awful. Or did you simply not care to offer unsolicited advice? Or as a merchant member, were you simply on autopilot?

If people actually took the time to read what people post, vs. glossing over it and just focusing on the keywords that they choose to react to, then forums might be a better place.

They wouldnt be half as fun though!


New Member
There is a pile of crap that takes place on this forum.....But with so much "premium poop" to learn from, I just ignore the "real crap" and plug my nose at times....


New Member
You can sometimes get permission from your vendors to use their designs to show clients if you ask them ... I'm sure everyone here has seen the generic 3m hummer that gets used all over the online sites ... but I am guessing most don't get permission first.


  • 3m-hummer-wrap.png
    138.8 KB · Views: 164
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mike ham

New Member
my first concern no customers yet? start the old fasioned way door to door sales picking up the small jobs & building a client base.wraps would be the least of my worries.kinda think its kart before the horse?


Premium Subscriber
So, in your way of thinking and your limited amount of knowledge, we are all supposed to believe you because you say YOU THINK you are more of an authority than anyone else ??

How small minded and pea-brained is that ??

You’ve said you are great countless times in the other post and now again in your latest post. I guess being the author of your posts gives you the ability of not seeing how great you are.

Now, besides being an owner and authority on forum posting, bagging and other things, you’ve now suddenly become a first class detective and psychiatrist of how people respond and how they SHOULD respond, based on the writings of WSC.

Listen, no disrespect, but I could really care less than a set of rat’s balls why you are here. Most are here to help each other, aid each other and have fun. Whether you contribute or take, is of no importance to anyone, so why are you playing Hall Monitor ?? Did someone die and let you in charge of bagging people ?? Don’t you think someone old enough to go into business and take out many thousands of dollars worth of debt or looking for that next quick buck has thick enough skin when they ask questions with more than one answer they have the capacity to listen to all the answers and pick & choose which ones they want to hold and remember as worthless ?? Do you have so little respect for your new fellow sign entrepreneurs, that you feel you have to hold them by the hand and fight their battles ?? Oops, that’s considering they are mentally messed up by some of these mean awful posts, you don’t like.

So, just gloss over this post WSC….. and we can still be friends if you don’t comprehend my essay.

Really, remember, this isn’t your place, so why not sit back and enjoy the ride and try not to get all riled up over literally nothing.

I just enjoyed a home-made spaghetti dinner my wife was cooking since 10 this morning along with dessert, then come on here to see this drivel….. c’mon, spend you Sunday evenings in a more meaningful manner. :toasting:


New Member
You can sometimes get permission from your vendors to use their designs to show clients if you ask them ... I'm sure everyone here has seen the generic 3m hummer that gets used all over the online sites ... but I am guessing most don't get permission first.


my first concern no customers yet? start the old fasioned way door to door sales picking up the small jobs & building a client base.wraps would be the least of my worries.kinda think its kart before the horse?



Happy sunday everyone!


New Member
So, in your way of thinking and your limited amount of knowledge, we are all supposed to believe you because you say YOU THINK you are more of an authority than anyone else ??

How small minded and pea-brained is that ??

You’ve said you are great countless times in the other post and now again in your latest post. I guess being the author of your posts gives you the ability of not seeing how great you are.

Now, besides being an owner and authority on forum posting, bagging and other things, you’ve now suddenly become a first class detective and psychiatrist of how people respond and how they SHOULD respond, based on the writings of WSC.

Listen, no disrespect, but I could really care less than a set of rat’s balls why you are here. Most are here to help each other, aid each other and have fun. Whether you contribute or take, is of no importance to anyone, so why are you playing Hall Monitor ?? Did someone die and let you in charge of bagging people ?? Don’t you think someone old enough to go into business and take out many thousands of dollars worth of debt or looking for that next quick buck has thick enough skin when they ask questions with more than one answer they have the capacity to listen to all the answers and pick & choose which ones they want to hold and remember as worthless ?? Do you have so little respect for your new fellow sign entrepreneurs, that you feel you have to hold them by the hand and fight their battles ?? Oops, that’s considering they are mentally messed up by some of these mean awful posts, you don’t like.

So, just gloss over this post WSC….. and we can still be friends if you don’t comprehend my essay.

Really, remember, this isn’t your place, so why not sit back and enjoy the ride and try not to get all riled up over literally nothing.

I just enjoyed a home-made spaghetti dinner my wife was cooking since 10 this morning along with dessert, then come on here to see this drivel….. c’mon, spend you Sunday evenings in a more meaningful manner. :toasting:

lol im posting from my phone, so nothing lengthy, just 2 things. Then cheers and have a good night sir.

1 - I would consider Fred more of an authority on forums than you, why, because he owns a successful one. - I would assume you are more of an authority on sign business and products than I am... Cant really figure out a way to make that clearer..

2 - you keep stating that im saying how great I am? Im apparantly lost here, because I never said or implied that. In fact, I included myself as a person who sticks their nose where it dont belong, as I did in this thread.

Lets remember also that I didnt start the name calling, he whined about her, i whined about him. He called me a loser, no morals etc

So make it what you will