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Stop me from streaking!

CL Graphics

New Member
I had the same issues. Kept trying different profiles until I found one that worked. If I had the time and cash I would invest in profiling software and figure out how to make my own.


New Member
We use Flexi 8.1 now, the profile that did this on our printer this week, was Oracal 3951 from FlexiSign.
I did some profiles on my own, but they were even crappier than the canned ones:banghead: (Eye one proof with Flexisign profiler, I of course knew nothing at all what I was doing, the second ones were a bit better).

Does anyone know if FlexiSign 8.6 is more reliable? We're still waiting for a reply from SAI, after I sent 2-3 emails to the "Free online tech support" only about a year ago, after I was not able to install 8.5 with the online registration. I know, should allow some more time, as I am sure they are very busy, and I hate to nag... Great tech support indeed!


New Member
Update- I got Flexisign esupport finally! Quick download and 8.6.2 SP1 is up and working. I like it. Now let's hope this fixes these cool stripes.


New Member
Hi all.
I gotta report I'm getting the same streaking on a job I'm trying to print with my new CJV30 through Signlab.
The color is dark blue C90,M70,Y10,K20 straight CMYK with no colour correction.
I've tried 8 pass, 16 pass, hi speed, normal speed, unidirection all have the streaks.

Also if you look real closely at pic 1 you can see ghosting of the lettering which is happening before it gets to the actual lettering.
This leads me to think the data is getting corrupted somehow.

The nozzles are all firing 100% but the color varies as it prints. You can see the color difference in some of the passes while it's printing. (see pic 2).

I tried printing it through Rasterlink and it didn't streak (but the color was a lot different).

I converted it to a bitmap in Signlab and it printed smoothly. Likewise I converted the color to RGB in Signlab and it also printed perfectly.

So it's only streaking when sending a CMYK color through Signlab.
I turned on color correction CMYK profile and it still streaked although it was a different color.

So the solution for me is to choose these colors as RGB.
I printed an RGB swatch and they are all perfect as are RGB bitmaps (thankfully!).

Perhaps this is the same problem that Flexi has? It looks the same, and so far has only happened with this dark blue for me.


  • Streaking1.jpg
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  • streaking2.jpg
    40.6 KB · Views: 126


New Member
4 years ago, I learned to print RGB files, and learned that the vast majority of others have learned the same. Haven't printed a CMYK file since!


New Member
Really? I prefer CMYK cause it's more like mixin' paint.
My custom palette consists of mainly CMYK colors, along with some RGB oranges and reds.

Kinda weird that this is only happening with a straight cmyk color though. I'd like to hear from other "streakers" to see if we can find some common ground...


New Member
I had the same problems with Flexi/Photoprint when I ran a JV3-250...switched back to Rasterlink and got pretty good prints out of it.

Signlab's RIP I've heard is not too good either.

Did you guys get Rasterlink with your printers?

Try that and see what the difference is...

I see that you tried Rasterlink Neil...I think it's a better RIP.
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New Member
The only benefit associated with setting up your files in RGB is that you will have a slightly larger color gamut if your ICC will allow it (media profile), on some matte materials or papers your gamut is crap anyway. Overall its a net benefit, but it will not fix banding issues.
Onyx has a 30 day free demo that would be useful to eliminate RIP as the cause.


New Member
Banding or streaking comes in two axis. Carriage direction and Media feed direction. The causes for each are different. Carriage direction banding is caused by printhead nozzles, bad dampers and capping station malfunction. Media feed directional banding can be caused by carriage bearings chattering making a vibraton pattern in the print, rollers applying too much pressure and heat on some medias (unusual) and media contamination.
Start by eliminating the printhead, damper and capping station issues, then move out from there.
Printers are much like cars, if you forget to periodically maintain them they will remind you in a bad way.
Dampers, Caps and Pumps every year or two if possible....budget for it.


New Member
Listen to iSign...

We'll try RGB.

I don't think this streaking is a bad printhead or damper or pump, because it's recurring at exact intervals, same with 2-pass or 16-pass. Also, "no color correction" usually fixes it. It may just be that we need to print RGB, and accept it as the solution. I hope it works!


New Member
i am having same issue, thinking it may be profile related at this point...same file with a tweaked color value in preflight and there was no streaking...