I use a dry erase board that has the job#, person, task, start time, end time, amount of time. Then a time box to write the actual start/stop time. There's a schedule of each major asset for the week, for us it is paint booths and blasting. If I had a flatbed printer or cutter I would try to do the same thing. It really helps to keep the equipment utilized and avoid idle time. I never could get into any sort of electronic schedule, if I did, I would still transfer the tasks to a board. Personally, I will get in a groove and never open a schedule system to see what is next. I walk by my board 100 times a day as do the employees so it is always sort of in your face. It takes a fair amount of discipline to fill this thing out every afternoon. It is always my last thing to do and at that point I am ready to go home. Anytime that I miss doing it, you can really see a productivity loss for that day. At first I thought everyone would hate it as it seems a bit authoritarian but it has proven otherwise, I think that people are more comfortable in structure. It eliminates the miscommunicated expectations which lowers stress levels.