Wow, that one made me remember one from a long time ago. This wasn't an instal or a find, but it sure was exciting.
We're all in our old shop, working on whatever, when all of a sudden car after van after pick up to whatever came barreling in the driveway and encircled the entire building. About 15 vehicles showed up and in no time there ware about 25 or 30 people swarming around outside with machine guns to frickin' bazookas. Our old shop was 14,000 square feet. It was a two story converted barn into a manufacturing kinda building. We sub-rented out our second floor to some guys who paid in cash.... all five and ten dollar bills come rent day. They were great tenants.... so we thought.

Turned out, it was the biggest single drug bust in PA..... ever. It was a mix between SWAT, FBI and some local organization. I mean, they had hand grenades, the kind that knock ya silly in an instant, guns like I never saw before and they were dressed from casual to shorts and some girls were on the team. Stoopid @ss me walks over to them and they take me down.... gently, for my own protection and proceed to tell me they've been following this group for about 3 years. One of their guys was working on the inside. I asked if they couldn't wait to arrest them, til the next rent, but they just gave me a look like......
yeah.... sure. Anyway, they impounded the entire second floor and I couldn't do a thing with it, til they were convicted. While they were just in jail, they were allegedly being held, therefore the stuff in the second floor couldn't be touched. Took almost a year for it to go through and then we went up. They had so much bogus sh!t up there, just to look like a front for a grocery delivery group. Sold the stuff off and made a few thousand dollars, but I'll never forget all those guns and testosterone....
even in the girls. What a high............
Some day, I'll tell ya about my meeting with the Black Panthers back in the early 70's in my area..... unless of course, that's too political for this place.