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Stupid Personal Project- Naming my barn:-)


New Member
So I'm trying to come up with something creative for my new granite shed.
What I have done so far... Z (as in the) Stone Barn
Any other creative names/designs you can think of? I will be hand carving the sign to resemble a stone, with raised letters. (hard to explain,,will show final product when complete)

Here's what I got so far!


  • stone-shed.jpg
    27.1 KB · Views: 140


New Member
the name isn't very creative, but I think this design could have a ton of possibilities...
(letterhead inspired)


  • stone-shed.jpg
    118.3 KB · Views: 138


New Member
Old Dad's Barn
From a Stephen King book (cannot remember which)
where he described something as being "as red as the side of Old Dad's barn".


New Member
All I can say is that the "Z" should have a purpose other than trying to "look cool," because without purpose...it won't.