My/Our experience:
(Only Cast materials will be here with exception of a Polymeric Calendered.)
3M 180mC (micro comply) easier than 180 regular but not as much as I'd like.
3M 180C-V3 (too aggressive, release from liner is more difficult)
not the best white point with laminate seems to shift yellow a bit
3M 180C-V1 seems less aggressive than the V3 and releases from liner easier.
not the best white point with laminate seems to shift yellow a bit
3M 40-C Installs like 180, with slightly lower cost and longevity but still within reason for box trucks and trailers. (we use it for all signs rather than IJ35 due to longevity.)
3M 175 Installs easier than 180mC but not as easy as Avery 1105. (there's a concern with removals /chance of adhesive remaining)
Our FAVORITE 3M vinyl to wrap with.
3M 180mc-UR (Ultra removable) installs as easy as mC but we had issues with adhesive.
3M 480mc Installs ...Differently completely differently than the others...reacts to heat differently and takes time to get used to...but can be awesome in the right circumstances.
Avery 1105 Easiest to install but has more issues with my Latex ink and laminate. Also doesn't "feel" like it stays put as well as 3M.
Our favorite non-3M vinyl to wrap with
Arlon SLX goes on too easy and requires applied pressure just to position etc. I know it seems counter-intuitive but the low initial tac seems TOO low.
Best white point.
Mactac -
great white point, too aggressive initial tac
Orajet- too aggressive initial tac...
good white point though. Had issues in past with adhesive coming off vinyl if stuck together.
Side note: Laminate makes a difference on install as well. I HATE installing with "Luster" overlaminate. It's abrasive to the squeegee buffers and doesn't add the niceness of Matte or Gloss. I don't see the point of it and it doesn't save folks a bunch of money...but for some reason many of the National Marketing companies that send us wraps for install only on franchises...always use Luster. Grrrrr.
Avery smells the best to me.

However, they all smell like money when I'm wrapping (revenue) AND when it gets wasted (down the drain)