Arlo Kalon 2.0
New Member
Being prepped today for surgery finally tomorrow - I go in at 6am. I've been through this 14 times before but am still a quivering mass of nervous energy right now. I KNOW how much pain I will be in this time tomorrow. And their insistence on you getting up off the bed and walking with a fresh 14" long incision in your gut - you feel like you are going to disembowel right then. (Sorry for that visual). It hurts like all the pain in the world hitting you at once. I long ago learned to insist on a bolus dose of morphine first, but it only helps a little. I kind of brought some of this on myself by asking to have my old scar cut out that's kind of huge now and to have my belly button back in center of my stomach (it's off to right side now). At age 57, I still want to look good for the ladies at the beach! The huge scar has been good for some stories. I tell people I used to be a champion bull rider until a bull gored me in the belly. Then I pull up my shirt and watch 'em cringe. Bull riders are highly revered "athletes" in Texas. Okay, I'm starting to ramble like I am already hooked up to the drug pump. Just wanted to vent a little because I am extremely apprehensive knowing the world of hurt that's coming. Y'all be thinkin' of ol' Arlo - okay? Adios.