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Switched to Matte --- Now this...


New Member
We just switched our shop to Matte finish 3164 for cheap prints, but now all the sudden our printer on the right side is doing this and screwing up every print that runs through the printer. It's basically twisting the vinyl off the liner where the right pinch roller is. We switch back to gloss, no problem...We never had this issue on 3164 GLOSS....so is anyone else experiencing this? How to fix?

Temps 100 / 114


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Merchant Member
Its tunnelling on you. Whats your heat set at? could be bad roll of vinyl...we get that on occasion printing on certain materials. Never seen that on a matte vinyl specifically. Going to assume you have checked your pinch roller that it is moving properly...


New Member
Yes this doesn't happen with any other glossy vinyl. This is our first roll of matte and this is happening. temps set at 100 print heater, 114 after heater...


New Member
Talked to Oracal...going to cut off a 10ft section of this roll, flip it 180 degrees and try printing that way to see if the problem is still on the right roller. If it is still on the right roller, I'd say it's the roller. If it's now tunneling on the left side, It's a bad roll.


New Member
I can't take credit for the idea -- my Roland Dealer, Pacific Coast Paint, gave me the idea. It never occurred to me, but makes perfect sense lol. Even roland's tech hadn't thought of that yet. :)

We printed 3165 Matte with ZERO problem yesterday. I have a feeling it might just be a bad roll.