We actually could use something like this too. Over the years have had a few instances where a client wants to stick something on a wrap and change that part out. In one case very short term but very frequent changes - Powerball lottery amounts on a big Powerball logo. We used Busmark but eventually it still trashed the wrap underneath. In the other scenario it was a bigger graphic 120" x 24" that the client might have on for 2 months to a year. Did the same and used Busmark but again, it eventually started leaving adhesive after a few times and then pretty much ruined the wrap in that spot where they have the promo. I'd suggest just designing a blank spot into the wrap there but on that one they also sometime might go for 6 months without any promo and do not want a big blank spot there either.
InstantOneMedia - Is the material you have good for short to medium term outdoor use on a vehicle? In our case it would at most travel at maybe 50 mph but will definitely see plenty of rain etc and sometimes they run a promo for up to a year.