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The amount of memory required to use the RIP could not be secured.

Bryce I

I'm Brie
Versaworks 6 , Roland VG-2
My graphic designer just gave me these monster print files for a food truck wrap. The dimensions aren't more than one of our regular vehicle wrap jobs, but I guess it has of layers of glows or shadows or something, I don't really speak illustrator. In preferences I have Memory amount for RIP maxed out at 3072. I get all my print files through dropbox and don't really use this computer for anything else. Graphic designer is trying to do something on his end to make it smaller, but worried it will compromise the quality of the print. Any tips for securing enough memory to rip a massive print? Honestly not sure if this is like a "versa trick" solution, or just basic pc cleanup, which I don't know much about. Any tips or insights are appreciated. Thanks!


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
How much memory do you have on the computer? If it's too low, the OS and other programs could be using what the RIP needs.

Bryce I

I'm Brie
You often do need to delete some old jobs in Versa Works to bring in large files. Try cleaning it out of whatever is not needed and resend it.
Thanks! There's a couple big files in there still that are unfinished, but I deleted all the other old stuff and still can't get these new ones to rip past 1%. But if I grab another random large file, like a full vehicle wrap side, those will rip fine. It's just this one job with the layered glowing stuff.

Bryce I

I'm Brie
How much memory do you have on the computer? If it's too low, the OS and other programs could be using what the RIP needs.
Thanks! The computer has 8.00 GB (7.37 GB usable) installed RAM. It appears apps, documents, stuff on the desktop is using next to nothing. In settings, under storage, it says I'm using 650 of 819 GB on "other" stuff: dropbox, creative cloud etc. not sure what, if anything I should be deleting to make room.


Premium Subscriber
Versaworks 6 , Roland VG-2
My graphic designer just gave me these monster print files for a food truck wrap. The dimensions aren't more than one of our regular vehicle wrap jobs, but I guess it has of layers of glows or shadows or something, I don't really speak illustrator. In preferences I have Memory amount for RIP maxed out at 3072. I get all my print files through dropbox and don't really use this computer for anything else. Graphic designer is trying to do something on his end to make it smaller, but worried it will compromise the quality of the print. Any tips for securing enough memory to rip a massive print? Honestly not sure if this is like a "versa trick" solution, or just basic pc cleanup, which I don't know much about. Any tips or insights are appreciated. Thanks!
silly question, is the rip a 32 bit program?
"maxed out at 3072" sounds like what we used to have before 64 bit programs became common.
maybe i am missing the point..

you probably need 3-4X the file size available to rip or print.
perhaps you are running out of space on the drive that holds the paging file?


New Member
Versaworks 6 is 64bit. Except the settings in the program only allow to set up to 3072MB as the max memory usage for RIP. How big is the actual file and is it EPS?


Owner, Designer & Installer
Versaworks 6 , Roland VG-2
My graphic designer just gave me these monster print files for a food truck wrap. The dimensions aren't more than one of our regular vehicle wrap jobs, but I guess it has of layers of glows or shadows or something, I don't really speak illustrator. In preferences I have Memory amount for RIP maxed out at 3072. I get all my print files through dropbox and don't really use this computer for anything else. Graphic designer is trying to do something on his end to make it smaller, but worried it will compromise the quality of the print. Any tips for securing enough memory to rip a massive print? Honestly not sure if this is like a "versa trick" solution, or just basic pc cleanup, which I don't know much about. Any tips or insights are appreciated. Thanks!
Have you, or the designer, bring the files into Photoshop at 10% size at 720dpi. Bring them into Versaworks and resize the files to full size. Try ripping the file and see if it creates a file to large to send to the printer.
As for your old files, unless you are repeatedly printing them, log the settings in a notebook for each job and delete the rip file. For repeat customers with repeat jobs, I save printed color swatches and printer info in a notebook.