Good article, and I totally agree with the author.
There are two types of critics in the world. One who's goal is to tell the artist or craftsman what they have done right and what they disliked about the work... and then offer some sort of information that the artist or craftsman can use to improve...
...then there are the critics who criticize for more selfish reasons. They wish to appear superior to the artist or craftsman and offer no information that will help the artist or craftsman improve. It becomes all about the critic and more about showing off how smart they think they are. In reality, I think it is a sign of immaturity, insecurity and poor social skills. They need to tear someone down in order to feel adequate about their own skills or knowledge of the subject matter.
The goal of critiquing is to help the craftsman improve, If you don't offer information that is helpful, then you are doing a poor job critiquing.