Just Another Sign Guy
New Member
A billboard should be pleasureful viewing like looking at a mountain scene or rolling hills or a waterfall, something to enjoy.
HUH? Whatchu' Talkin 'bout Willis?
imo the purpose of a billboard should be to generate a preplanned result that is desired by the one investing in that form of advertising. Typically billboards are utilized by businesses for a variety of reasons... To improve brand awareness.. to introduce products &/or services.. to notify or inform a target audience of whatever it is the one investing in this means of communication wishes to communicate, information, news, sales,etc.. To direct or identify.. To sell..
obviously this is a simple,non-complete description but I think for 'our' industry & how or why 'we' as business owners in our trade would utilize billboard advertising for our own businesses I think we can agree that the ultimate goal would be to increase sales. Obviously building brand awareness,repeat exposure to your company identity etc all is valuable & important, but the name of the game is increasing sales, creating interest, getting those who see your ad to call,email, stop in..whatever..to create more opportunitities for those who need your products &/or services to contact YOU who provides them.
NO WHERE...NEVER have I seen this 'concept' that a bilboard advertisement should be 'pleasureful' (i believe that is the 'term' that was used in the referenced quote) viewing.
Reality is that under most circumstances you have SECONDS to capture a potential customer's attention with this means of advertising.
Reality is that the majority of the population has become desensitized to most advertising because we are subjected to so much of it on a non-stop continual basis..this is why ads have become so ridiculous & obnoxious & sometimes even offensive..they are simply tools/tactics/strategies utilized by savvy marketers because they improve the percentage of the audience they are targeting to capture their attention.
at any given time there is a percentage of the population driving down the road who are currently shopping for any given product or services...signs, wraps, sandwiches, tires, matresses ( I have read studies that have estimated that at any given time 12% of the nation is shopping for a mattress ) my point with this is that those people who are currently shopping for or are in need of your products & services will make mental note of your ad (if it is readable, makes sense, the basics) but the majority of viewers at best are going to be exposed to your company name/logo/what you do but if they have no need they will obviously 'tune it out'. But that repeat exposure over long periods of time CONSISTENTLY can influence a potential customer if/when the do need your products/services. If someone drives by your billboards 250 times a year on their way to work & 250 times on their way home chances are if you are advertising signs & they find themselves in need of a sign & they have no other relationships they will at least think of you when they begin to research providers which in simple theory puts you steps ahead of your competition...this is extremely simplifying the psychology & obviously our industry is not what I would call a HOT one for typical bilboard advertising....blah blah blah
what got me on this rant is that the only reason an ad of this nature should be pleasureful viewing as a rule is if that is the goal of the person who is investing in it.
some of the UGLIEST most OBNOXIOUS bilboard ads are the ones that I have seen generate the best results...sad but true. There are situations where BOLD in YOUR FACE generates results. There are times that the most aggressive, bold, obnoxious color combos capture an audiences attention...bilboard advertising at times those strategies can be highly effective.
but 'pleasureful' viewing? Imo if that is your 'rule' you will blend in & generate the same results as most who utilize this form of advertising.