My thoughts on the Pred8tor.
I thought the Predator was cool looking and had some "Techy" coolness to them. The ipad is cool but I don't think it is productive friendly. They only run uni-directional and it is very expensive. ($350-$400,000 is what Harry threw out to us. We purchased the 50th Gandi Flatbed printer and were pretty good friends with Harry) For a 4x8 flatbed, when compared to almost the same unit from Agfa (1224HDC priced at $250,000) I wouldn't buy the Predator. The purpose of the uni-directional was to eliminate light banding which it didn't do. Give them a few more years and I think it will be another great machine. (My two flatbeds, the Jeti 3150, designed by Harry, and the 1224 HDC basically started by Harry? and then refined and improved by AGFA, are great!) I've got a few videos of it if anyone wants to see it running at the show in Vegas, April 2011.